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Course-based MSc. with low wGPA

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Hi, I'm a non-trad applicant (graduated from MSc. in 2014, been working since). I have a very low cGPA (3.39) and U of T wGPA (3.73).

I've never imagined applying to U of T because my wGPA is very low compared to other applicants and average accepted GPA of 3.95. But I was wondering if there's anyone who was accepted with this GPA who has a course-based MSc? 

P.S. I've been productive in my 1-year course-based MSc although it is not research-based: high GPA (not sure if they count), scholarship, poster presentation, and have recently submitted first-author paper on my research (currently under review).Not sure if these would help in the application. 

Should I apply this coming cycle assuming I meet the MCAT cut-off? 

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Masters courses/GPA will not be included in calculating your wGPA.   As @hartk48 mentions, a course-based masters is still in the undergrad pool.   Your 3.73 GPA is also still very much an outlier competitively for an interview.   

It is still worth a phone call to U of T admissions to see if you could be reviewed in the Graduate pool based on your post-Masters work/research experience.  


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