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Photo ID

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Does anyone know if our photo ID should be in color or grayscale?

The website says "grayscale minimum (basic colour recommended)*". I have never heard of gray scale minimum but that sounds like in color.

Upload page says

"Click Browse... and select your file. File should be :

  • black and white (300 DPI)
  • not password protected
  • contain all pages in one file"


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It says we need to upload all the confirmation documentation within 3 buisness days..so until monday?

sorry I dont mean to be annoying, I know that it should be done right away, but as im trying to fall asleep I remembered that I hadn't submitted anything yet and slightly panicked lol

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Grayscale minimum just means at the very least, make your scan grayscale (i.e. each pixel represents a single intensity value). Basic colour is recommended (it would be better than grayscale), not required. Just make sure your scan is not monochrome-type black and white (i.e. each pixel literally either black or white) :P

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Hey folks,

Reapplicant here. Sending your files in color wasn't a problem last year. And if it is this year, they will tell you. 

You've made it to the interviews. They won't change their minds about whether or not you're a viable candidate simply because you sent a colored ID.

You'll have plenty of time for stress in the coming weeks anyway.

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