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Choosing between genome bio and nursing


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Hey, I’m really conflicted. I’m a premed transfer student and I’ve been accepted into 2 programs, genome biology and nursing. I don’t get scholarships for either, and I love aspects of both fields. My parents are both nurses so I’ve been brought up with those stories. I haven’t done too much lab work but the structured lab work I have done so far feels fulfilling. How do I choose between the two?

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I guess it depends on where you apply, but if you take nursing you may have to pick up some science classes for some med pre reqs. Nursing will prep you better for the medical field, the biology major will better prep you for the MCAT. Keep in mind, nursing will be a better fall-back option should you struggle to get into medicine. 

At the end of the day they both have advantages and disadvantages, you should really just pick what interests you most. You can never go wrong with that!

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