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Courses at a level corresponding with the year of program?

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I just read this under Undergraduate Applicants on the Utoronto MD site:

"It is recognized that at times, students take courses in lower years for various reasons, such as a change in program or to complete subjects of interest or prerequisites that did not fit the academic schedule previously.  If you have information about your academics that you feel is important for the Admissions Committee to know, please use the Academic Explanations Essay within the OMSAS application." http://www.md.utoronto.ca/academic-requirements

Since I applied as a Grad student, I didn't read what was written for Undergraduate Applicants. The fact that your courses needs to correspond with the year of study is news to me. I completed a Honours double major at UWO and as a result did not take any 4000 level courses in my fourth year. As a matter of fact, my third year was reserved for additional second year courses and my fourth year with 3000 level (4000 level was reserved for thesis programs). As a result I did not mention it in the Academic Explanations Essay. Do you guys think my application will get thrown out because of this? I'm shocked that this information isn't included in the Grad applicant section as well. Guess time will tell.

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46 minutes ago, MomMDhopeful said:

I just read this under Undergraduate Applicants on the Utoronto MD site:

"It is recognized that at times, students take courses in lower years for various reasons, such as a change in program or to complete subjects of interest or prerequisites that did not fit the academic schedule previously.  If you have information about your academics that you feel is important for the Admissions Committee to know, please use the Academic Explanations Essay within the OMSAS application." http://www.md.utoronto.ca/academic-requirements

Since I applied as a Grad student, I didn't read what was written for Undergraduate Applicants. The fact that your courses needs to correspond with the year of study is news to me. I completed a Honours double major at UWO and as a result did not take any 4000 level courses in my fourth year. As a matter of fact, my third year was reserved for additional second year courses and my fourth year with 3000 level (4000 level was reserved for thesis programs). As a result I did not mention it in the Academic Explanations Essay. Do you guys think my application will get thrown out because of this? I'm shocked that this information isn't included in the Grad applicant section as well. Guess time will tell.

Nope your application won’t get thrown out. That course level “requirement” isn’t actually a requirement but an expectation. Two different things :)

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