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Medicine + Dentistry Interviews


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Hey everyone!

Just discovered this community and got a question about McGill : I got interview invite as OOP both for med and dent but i'm wondering like how will they assess both 'aspects' at the same time...also dent requires a letter while med doesnt...so how will my personal inteview be...with a md? with dentist? im confused...thx!

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18 hours ago, AliB said:

i meant isn't there a station that is like a traditional interview with CV and all?? i heard it last 2 stations..18 minutes for one on one regular interview

Yes, when you interview for both  they may ask it in a general manner in one of the station, something general like "why do you want/what'd make you a good candidate to work in health science". I am not really allowed to say more :P

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