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References not submitted on time

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Hi, has anyone been accepted while missing one of the references?

I'm mainly asking because one of my referees recently stopped responding. While I may be able to find another person to replace him, I'm not confident I'd be able to do it on time by Feb 16.

What are the potential implications (reference guide says you may be disqualified, but I wanted to know if anyone else had first hand experience)? 

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I think I can speak for many people that having bad or missing references is something every applicant is terrified of. My impression is that if you are missing one of your references, it may be treated as a red flag and while it says you may be disqualified, most likely you will be disqualified unless given special circumstances. Exactly how that affects your application is unknown but it can't be positive.



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This is not the time to be shy. I would do everything in your power to get ahold of them even if that means tracking down a prof at the university or calling office and leaving multiple messages. 


In the meantime, if you really don't think they will submit contact another reference right away and explain. They still have time to submit. 


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Good points mentioned above. It may or may not automatically disqualify you but it is not the time for taking guesses. You can also contact admissions and explain the situation. Say you planned ahead and was not expecting the individual to stop communications. Maybe they can show some time flexibility for you to find a new referee. 

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