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Interview Prep


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I was wondering if 2-3 days before an interview would be sufficient to prepare? I know tons of people paying for mock interviews and spending an hour or two daily months in advance, but I unfortunately don't have the time to do that. Best I can do is maybe rehearse my answers in front of my girlfriend/parents.


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5 minutes ago, premed_thr0waway said:


I was wondering if 2-3 days before an interview would be sufficient to prepare? I know tons of people paying for mock interviews and spending an hour or two daily months in advance, but I unfortunately don't have the time to do that. Best I can do is maybe rehearse my answers in front of my girlfriend/parents.


For some it is - questions like this are hard to answer because we don't know where you are at right now in terms of interview skills, and what type of interview you are going for. 

The main issue is that interviewing is a skill, and skills cannot be really crammed for. Skills take time - now you may already have a base skill in this and what you are really doing is not developing that skill but more obtaining and organizing the information you need to make that skill more effective (to use an analogy you can be a fantastic public speaker but you still have to actually write a speech)

Any time is better than no time so you take what you can get :) Plus you don't need "hours a day" either - even 10 mins focused on answering specific things can do wonders.

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