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rewatching lecture when studying?


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I audio record my lectures and relisten to any parts I'm not understanding when rewriting my notes. I go to youtube only after going through all of the material from lecture once. 

I don't find that I need to relisten to more than 1 hour of lecture over the semester, just when I missed a point in the notes. I'll also highlight areas that I'm not understanding in class, and relisten to those segments. 

But, most of my profs test from their slides, so I use those to study most of the details. I like to look at mechanisms, which is helpful for some classes (biochem, physiology, etc.) but not so much for others (like my evolution course I'm taking now where it's about memorizing phylogenies). 

Consistency is important also, ensuring I review some of the material every day from every class. And lastly, I try to use a lot of methods to learn and review - I will read, write, draw, teach, ... pretty much any way I can think of to represent the same info differently. 

Cheers and best of luck!  

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