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How to be thorough wehn studying


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I wanted to ask you guys, how do you ensure that you are very thorough and don't miss things when you are studying. Turns out when I'm studying, I understand the big concepts and I can connect them together, but on an exam, there will be like 15% of the exam that questions minor details the prof may have mentioned once or twice. My friends tell me I have to be thorough, and know little details, in addition to the big concepts. 

This has always been a problem for me. In high school when there was a knowledge, communication, thinking, and application section, I would score well on thiking and application but on knowledge, not so well. Please give me tips on how to be VERY THOROUGH when studying for university exams.


Thank you in advance.

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If the exam is based on lecture slides/provided notes, then study them carefully.

If these details come only from the lecturer, then I would either listen to every lecture twice (once in real life, and to a recording after I'm done my initial studying) or spend my first pass transcribing the lecture and study via reading.


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