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wGPA Question

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37 minutes ago, jesustakethewheel said:

Taken from UofT website: http://www.md.utoronto.ca/gpa-and-gpa-weighting

"PASS/FAIL courses will be removed first, followed by the lowest grades overall to equal the number of FCEs you are eligible for."

So they are included in the total number of FCEs that can be eliminated? I saw that too but I just wanted to confirm it lol

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi, I also have a question about wGPA, 

If I have finished a 5 year undergrad, and only in years 2-5 I have a full-course load, will I still be eligible for a partial wGPA, where my lowest marks from years 2-5 are dropped?  or do I need to have taken a full course load every single year in order to be eligible? in other words, is it an "all or none" process, or do they drop one lowest mark for every full-course load year? 

would appreciate any insight! Thanks :)

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17 minutes ago, Albert said:

Hi, I also have a question about wGPA, 

If I have finished a 5 year undergrad, and only in years 2-5 I have a full-course load, will I still be eligible for a partial wGPA, where my lowest marks from years 2-5 are dropped?  or do I need to have taken a full course load every single year in order to be eligible? in other words, is it an "all or none" process, or do they drop one lowest mark for every full-course load year? 

would appreciate any insight! Thanks :)

I believe you needed to take full course load every single year, but you could e-mail admissions to double check

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On 3/11/2018 at 3:43 AM, VladTheLad said:

If you fail a pass/fail course, does the wGPA still apply? As in you take 5.0FCE during the regular academic sessions, but only earn 4.5FCE... Or must you pass all 5.0 FCE.

From what I know it applies but they'll take out your P/F first, not your actual lowest numerical grade. Would double check w admissions though

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2 hours ago, silent_c said:

I have a question regarding wGPA calculation if anyone knows. If I took 5.5 credits one year and 0.5 was pass/fail, would they still include the pass/fail grade in wGPA calculation even though it was technically an "overload"?

I think they would, but I would e-mail to clarify. Probably really unlikely to impact your application hugely unless you failed a course that year.

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2 hours ago, plastics91 said:

I think they would, but I would e-mail to clarify. Probably really unlikely to impact your application hugely unless you failed a course that year.

Sorry I meant to say it was 1.0 credits! So 1.0 overload instead of .5. It definitely can impact my application as that means now only 6 courses will be taken out instead of 8 :( 

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1 hour ago, silent_c said:

Sorry I meant to say it was 1.0 credits! So 1.0 overload instead of .5. It definitely can impact my application as that means now only 6 courses will be taken out instead of 8 :( 

oh no! I think you should e-mail and ask. I assume most is done automatically by some computer algorithm so I doubt individual people are looking to see if you've taken >5 FCE. Maybe some exceptional rule could apply to you! In any case I would e-mail and ask!

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