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Am I going to be at a disadvantage because of my age?


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57 minutes ago, premed_thr0waway said:


Recently I've had fears about my age interfering with my acceptance into medical school. I'm 18 (turning 19 in May), so I'll be one of the youngest in my interview groups. It doesn't help that I have very young facial features as well.

Seems like you applied to Ottawa, etc. How? Did you skip a few grades? I didn't know that was possible in Canada.

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32 minutes ago, médecine said:

Seems like you applied to Ottawa, etc. How? Did you skip a few grades? I didn't know that was possible in Canada.

Yes, I was in an accelerated program during my elementary years. Not really skipped a grade as much as my program was shorter than most elementary schools (i.e. 8 years instead of 10).

Also, it's not THAT uncommon. Look at McMaster's class of 2019 http://mdprogram.mcmaster.ca/docs/default-source/admissions/classof2019.pdf?sfvrsn=2. 10 students 19 years and younger were admitted.

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47 minutes ago, Snowmen said:

Are you in Quebec? If so, there is nothing special about your age and you shouldn't be worrying. I can't speak in detail for the rest of Canada but as a rule, I'm pretty sure what you say and your maturity level is much more important than your age itself.

No, not Quebec. But thanks for your advice.

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16 minutes ago, premed_thr0waway said:

Do you know if the admissions committee, upon knowing my age, would expect more or less of me?

Schools cannot discriminate based on age and so your age has no reason to appear on the file that your interviewers will see. 

I hope interviewers would not have any bias but if you do disclose your age, they could also be impressed by the record you have at your age. Either way you've made it to the interview stage because you were competitive enough  

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39 minutes ago, premed_thr0waway said:

Do you know if the admissions committee, upon knowing my age, would expect more or less of me?

Neither - you'd be expected to possess the level of maturity appropriate for someone entering a professional program, who would be seeing patients soon after, and potentially treating them independently in a matter of several years. This applies to all candidates regardless of age.

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16 hours ago, premed_thr0waway said:


Recently I've had fears about my age interfering with my acceptance into medical school. I'm 18 (turning 19 in May), so I'll be one of the youngest in my interview groups. It doesn't help that I have very young facial features as well.

Just do your best. No one cares about facial features, there are 27 year olds who still look like they are 18. 

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The official answer is no, they cant discriminate based on age.  The real answer is...no one knows.  Interviewers unofficially discriminate for lots of reasons (theres a ton of literature on this--speaking with an accent is one of the biggest negatives).  I would dress professionally like an adult (try and get a well fitted suit that's not too big), keep a tidy adult hairstyle etc.  My guess is that its unlikely to play a major factor in your interview score.  I'm not even sure it would be looked down upon more than an older applicant tbh

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5 hours ago, goleafsgochris said:

The official answer is no, they cant discriminate based on age.  The real answer is...no one knows.  Interviewers unofficially discriminate for lots of reasons (theres a ton of literature on this--speaking with an accent is one of the biggest negatives).  I would dress professionally like an adult (try and get a well fitted suit that's not too big), keep a tidy adult hairstyle etc.  My guess is that its unlikely to play a major factor in your interview score.  I'm not even sure it would be looked down upon more than an older applicant tbh

Appreciate your insights.

P.S. Leafs will be a first round exit :P 

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