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June 30th Transcript

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Was hoping someone has been in the same situation and can offer some advice.

I am currently in a course based masters program which requires a completion of a summer practicum. I will be interviewing at Ottawa however won't know the result until I would already have to start the practicum placement. The issue is, normally the practicum runs May-August but Ottawa requires all final grades by June 30th. I called them and it seems like they wont budge on that. Has anyone been in a similar situation before? Any advice appreciated. 

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If you have completed 3 years of undergrad studies you are eligible to start medical school (aka your offer is not conditional upon completion of your degree). Hence I do not envision that being an issue at all. You cannot complete prereqs however in the summer preceding you starting. You should send an email clarifying just in case.

Mr Duck

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13 minutes ago, Donald_Duck said:

If you have completed 3 years of undergrad studies you are eligible to start medical school (aka your offer is not conditional upon completion of your degree). Hence I do not envision that being an issue at all. You cannot complete prereqs however in the summer preceding you starting. You should send an email clarifying just in case.

Mr Duck

Thank you for your prompt reply! I have a 4 year undergrad with all the prereqs completed as of May 2017. This is an 18 month course based masters program and the summer practicum is on a pass/fail basis. I would technically have a fall semester left to finish but my school is fine with me leaving for med school as I would have around 6 years to come back and complete the electives I have left on a part-time basis. Or not come back at all if I decide. 

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