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Dat carving question

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2 hours ago, DocDocWhosThere said:

Is it possible to get 0/30 on the DAT carving portion? I ran out of time and only had like 5 minutes to complete one of the features, the slants were very rough but measurements were alright. Would that be considered a failure?

Apparently, you can. I looked up the stats for last year when I wrote and about 6 people got 0/30. But that could be because they botch carved their soap, I wouldn't worry under your circumstances.

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20 hours ago, Starburst said:

Apparently, you can. I looked up the stats for last year when I wrote and about 6 people got 0/30. But that could be because they botch carved their soap, I wouldn't worry under your circumstances.

Thank you for your response. So, a couple of rough surfaces on one of the features would not be considered a failure (0/30)?

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Don't worry, what you described is definitely not a zero. Each third of the soap should be marked individually, so at worst you get a zero on that end as long as the rest of your soap is correct. But if your measurements are good that's 3 points already. You can look on the CDA MDT patterns for the detailed rubric.

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