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UBC Unclassified Courses vs. TRU Open Learn for Increase GPA

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My undergrad GPA, though it meets the cut-offs isn't competitive. However I have a very good MCAT (97th percentile). I've been thinking of taking additional undergrad courses to try to boost my GPA. I'm debating between UBC's unclassified courses and TRU-Open Learn. I have some questions. 

1. Do you guys know if this is a good way to try to increase GPA or if there's a better way?

2. Does anyone have experience with either for the purpose of increasing GPA? Any specific courses I should take?

3. Would you recommend one over the other? Pros a/o cons of UBC unclassified? Pros a/o cons of TRU Open Learn? 

4. General thoughts about either or both methods? 


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