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Did I mess up my year?

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Long time lurker...

I have a question I would like some help with. I'm a 3rd year with a decent gpa but no full courseload years. I want to be able to apply to UBC and some other schools that need full time years.

This year I have taken on a full time courseload (30cr) with a mix of paced and self-paced courses.  I've made two mistakes so far with my two self-paced classes.

One - I have carried over a course from last term to do its final this April instead because the end date isn't included on transcripts (so I could make sure I got an A+ and not an A or A-; dumb in retrospect).

And two - I've ignorantly left starting what is now apparently my hardest class until just this month for this term (content heavy,  memorization).

Everything I am doing I need to finish by april 30th... this hard class has an easy grading scheme at least, just multiple choice exams (doesn't make it an easy class, just that it is a simple structure). But I am wondering...

Does it look worse to finish on time by April with a B for the hard class (in case I dont do well) and all my other classes 90+%?

Or to finish after April with a better grade (A- to A+)... thereby ruining the reason I took classes at all this year (to do a full year of full courseload). Or is it already ruined because I carried over the other class? I figure if I finish it all by april 30th then I've done the equivalent of full load for 8 months with some weird credit balancing but it still works out to 30 over 2 semesters.

-.- stressed that I might have messed this all up and just wasted a year. At least all my grades so far are amazing (straight A+) and I have learned some cool stuff. My one consolation.

Thanks in advance :)

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As far as I know, UBC does not need a full course load. Some other schools in Canada do. For instance, UWO requires 2 years gpa of 3.7 with at least 5 full or equivalent courses taken between September and April. If you end up getting a B this year (with rest A/A+) but maintain full course load, you can still be eligible for UWO. However, a B will lower your overall GPA which is more important for several other schools (UBC included). Also, I think the carryover class is fine for the purpose of full course load so don't worry.

Bottomline: Don't stress out because it will not "look worse" to finish after April. You will just lose full course load status needed for certain schools like UWO. So whether you should finish by April 30th or not depends on the schools you aim to apply to and which ones you care about the most. Hope that helps! 

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