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Feeling discouraged

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I'm currently an undergrad studying to get into dentistry school and am consumed with my studies. I often pull 10 hour days for weeks at a time to get through all my material. I'm getting the results I want, not stellar, but my marks are competitive and I enjoy what I'm studying, but a part of me feels like I'm just going to fail out of dental school if I can get in because of how difficult I'm finding the material in undergrad. Did anyone else feel like they're really pushing their limits to get into dental school? Feeling drained and consumed by their studies? I don't really know what I'm looking for by posting here.

Does anyone else feel like it's super difficult to get into dental school?

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Hey, i dont know at what stage of ur undergrad u are, but im doing my last semester and i have to admit that i am counting down the days until graduation because im getting tired of all the hard-work required to get the high grades required for dental school. I dont think being tired/pushing ur limits means we're not motivated like BMT said, i think it actually means that we are hardworking and we prioritize our school above all, which is very demanding and can be tiring. I totally understand how u may be feeling, and i think that if ur able to succeed in undergrad then ull definitely manage in dental school. There's no secret formula to doing well in a professional school aside from hard-work and perseverance which u are already demonstrating now ;)

Good luck!

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We've all been in your situation, you're not alone. It's totally normal to feel overwhelmed and demotivated once in a while but it's also important to recognize that your goal requires a lot of hard work. I can't tell you how many all nighters I've pulled and how much stress I've experienced in my 4 years but I pushed myself and I was able to reap the rewards. Don't worry or even think about failing dental school.. take it one step at a time. If you wanna chat feel free to private message me :) 

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Manage your time better, keep a good balance, don't be afraid to take a day off if you need it, don't listen to the crazy type As that make it sound like a freaking war or like you're climbing the Everest but keep working as hard as you can. 

I'm in med not in dent but honestly I find that getting in is the hard part.

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I can definitely relate. I had to work basically non-stop for 3 years to get the grades needed to get into dental school and often wondered if the only reason I did so well was because of how much time I put in. I'm only half way through first year but its pretty much the same in dental school. The didactic material isn't any harder (there is just more of it), and your grades basically reflect the amount of time you put in. Keep at it and take it easy on yourself, if you're pulling 10 hour days you're hella motivated and you'd kill it in dental school

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Once you get in, it takes a lot to get kicked out lol, so everyone will be just fine! How much work you want to put into studying is completely up to you, as grades no longer matter (assume you pass), so probably most people in dental school work less than they ever did in undergrad. 

The material isn't more difficult, just a whole lot more material in a shorter period of time. So you just gotta prioritize, because it's impossible to know everything. plus, some questions are stupid with no real answers... and other tests that are like 80% repeats (although no one knows the 'correct' answer lol) Choose dental school if you think you will like the clinical aspect, as that is really what dentistry is about at the end of the day. 

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On 2/27/2018 at 10:30 PM, BMT said:

I mean no disrespect, but nothing of value comes easy. You don't sound very motivated, so if I were you I'd focus on that first.  And yes. It's so competitive. It's so difficult that it'll rip you a new one. 

working 10 hour days for weeks at a time doesn't sound motivated? :) 

I wouldn't say dental or medical school is harder than UG. I found it easier. 

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