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viewing page source in carms "results page"

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Someone in my class said to me if you go to view page source in the results page, then click into: "/phoenix-web/js/jq/jquery-carms-matchresult.js" you view a html page titled my results.

He sent me his and it said:

function loadMatchResult(a){$("#matchResultSection").html("");if(a){$.ajax({type:"GET",url:messageSource.appContextPath+"/medpro/matchresult/ajax/result/get?iterationId="+a,dataType:"html",cache:false,success:function(b){$("#matchResultSection").html(b)},error:function(){$.unblockUI({})}})}}function updateUnfilledPositionUndergrad(){var a="/undergrad/matchresult/ajax/unfillpositionurl/get";var b=$("#match").val();updateUnfilledPosition(a,b)}function updateUnfilledPositionPostgrad(){var a="/postgrad/matchresult/ajax/unfillpositionurl/get";var b=colNavigation.navigation("matchIterationId");updateUnfilledPosition(a,b)}function updateUnfilledPosition(a,b){$.ajax({type:"GET",url:messageSource.appContextPath+a+"?mId="+b,dataType:"json",cache:false,success:function(c){if(c){$("#unfilledPosition").show();$("#unfilledPosition a").attr("href",c.url);$("#linkName").html(c.name)}else{$("#unfilledPosition").hide()}},error:function(){$.unblockUI({})}})};

I haven't viewed mine yet but he is claiming the bold part indicates that he matched. Can anyone read HTML? I'm questioning if this is even legit. Just viewing HTML so not a hack or anything in case anyone is worried :).

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I cannot read code, but I would suggest not looking into that too much..

Answers come out in 12h, might as well wait till tomorrow noon to get a reliable answer. Even if the code suggests match or unmatched, who's to say that isn't a glitch. Maybe it's just a general code that everyone has on their page right now. Either way, not worth the stress.

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A long time ago, I studied CS, but not this language specifically which looks like JavaScript (.js).  

Firstly, from what I can tell, the curly bracket } bold face matches the beginning of the {var a statement - so the "function" bold face is misplaced.  

Next, I think var b is just a variable meant to hold the result of the b part of the function call updateUnfilledPosition(a,b)... While the #match seems hopeful, it's just probably an ID used in some kind of database query .. I'd guess that's why there's .val() afterwards.

So in conclusion, unless it's very unusual programming style, I don't think it means anything.  

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26 minutes ago, carmspath1 said:

Someone in my class said to me if you go to view page source in the results page, then click into: "/phoenix-web/js/jq/jquery-carms-matchresult.js" you view a html page titled my results.

He sent me his and it said:

function loadMatchResult(a){$("#matchResultSection").html("");if(a){$.ajax({type:"GET",url:messageSource.appContextPath+"/medpro/matchresult/ajax/result/get?iterationId="+a,dataType:"html",cache:false,success:function(b){$("#matchResultSection").html(b)},error:function(){$.unblockUI({})}})}}function updateUnfilledPositionUndergrad(){var a="/undergrad/matchresult/ajax/unfillpositionurl/get";var b=$("#match").val();updateUnfilledPosition(a,b)}function updateUnfilledPositionPostgrad(){var a="/postgrad/matchresult/ajax/unfillpositionurl/get";var b=colNavigation.navigation("matchIterationId");updateUnfilledPosition(a,b)}function updateUnfilledPosition(a,b){$.ajax({type:"GET",url:messageSource.appContextPath+a+"?mId="+b,dataType:"json",cache:false,success:function(c){if(c){$("#unfilledPosition").show();$("#unfilledPosition a").attr("href",c.url);$("#linkName").html(c.name)}else{$("#unfilledPosition").hide()}},error:function(){$.unblockUI({})}})};

I haven't viewed mine yet but he is claiming the bold part indicates that he matched. Can anyone read HTML? I'm questioning if this is even legit. Just viewing HTML so not a hack or anything in case anyone is worried :).

yeah that is just javascript - I am a programmer and I not convinced of this conclusion. This is probably taking overthinking to an entirely new level ha :) That variable could hold anything. 

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The funny thing is apparently one year you could do this on the American mach results page... they have a weird system where people find out if they match and then a week later find out where they match, so I guess one year you could see in the code where after they updated if you matched at all.

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