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CaRMS Second Iteration Process

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Hi all, 

Can someone provide some insight on how the timing for the second iteration of CaRMS works? 

-Since there are only a few days between the system opening/closing, how successful are people typically at getting new reference letters for programs that they previously did not apply to?

-When are interviews generally offered and conducted? 

-Will programs generally give you a sense of how they are ranking you when (as is frequently the case) there are only 1 or 2 spots left?

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Sorry about your username. I have seen new reference letters obtained for the second iteration. If a letter says that the writer was very surprised to learn the student did not match, and would have taken them into their own program had there been more space, this could be helpful. However, the timeline is incredibly tight, and likely many people will have to reuse letters from the 1st iteration if they are unsuccessful in getting new letters in time. Don't know until you try, but you pretty much have to leap into action. 

Edit: as per mononoke's post, interviews would happen between the start of file review (March 8) and rank list submission (March 28).

Can't comment on the last q, sorry.

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8 hours ago, unmatched2016 said:

Hi all, 

Can someone provide some insight on how the timing for the second iteration of CaRMS works? 

-Since there are only a few days between the system opening/closing, how successful are people typically at getting new reference letters for programs that they previously did not apply to?

-When are interviews generally offered and conducted? 

-Will programs generally give you a sense of how they are ranking you when (as is frequently the case) there are only 1 or 2 spots left?

So sorry about the CaRMS results. I would ask your current referees to write you a letter specifically for family medicine, stating that << Mr X is one of the best student I have worked with, he would be a great attribute to your program>>...I think that it would be unrealistic to ask for new LORS from family doctors. 

Best of luck!

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