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Can CCFP-Em work in pediatric ER

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Title pretty much sums up all I am wondering. I know that through the traditional 5-year emerg program peds is a fellowship, and similarly through peds there is an emerg fellowship. Does that mean that ccfp-em can't work in pediatric emergency rooms? Can general pediatricians? 


just a random thought that came to my head the other day. 

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Can't say I've seen many FPs in Peds ERs, but it may change on the site. Have seen some pediatricians without specific EM training in Peds ER, though more picking up a shift or two than working there full-time. Seemed to be a nice way to supplement their regular practice's income and keep up with their higher-acuity skills.

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2 hours ago, bearded frog said:

Only seen peds+emerg trained in the pediatric hospitals I've worked in.

Probably depends on the center. Sick Kids is probably a very different world than the childrens hospital in NL or the children's hospital in Manitoba. 

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