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Refusing offer

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10 minutes ago, youtalkintome? said:

What if I am not granted a deferral? 

The reason for my asking is I am still not sure if I will reapply again, I am looking at my options and possibilities of how this will work out.

I think everyone here is just looking out for you. Always exhaust all avenues before turning down an offer because there is always a certain amount of luck involved in the whole process - an offer one year, no offers another. Also, no one is truly certain how a refusal will affect your chances in subsequent years? There are rumours of being blacklisted at certain medical schools, etc. should you turn down an offer. Not sure about the validity of those claims, but I don't think you should be pessimistic, and through personal experiences, the adcom at McGill have been very willing and open to listen should there be valid reasons for your inability to commence this Fall. I sense that there may be very personal reasons why you asked this question and I am happy to try to help you navigate your situation if you feel ok to DM me. Try to stay optimistic and good luck

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10 minutes ago, la marzocco said:

I think everyone here is just looking out for you. Always exhaust all avenues before turning down an offer because there is always a certain amount of luck involved in the whole process - an offer one year, no offers another. Also, no one is truly certain how a refusal will affect your chances in subsequent years? There are rumours of being blacklisted at certain medical schools, etc. should you turn down an offer. Not sure about the validity of those claims, but I don't think you should be pessimistic, and through personal experiences, the adcom at McGill have been very willing and open to listen should there be valid reasons for your inability to commence this Fall. I sense that there may be very personal reasons why you asked this question and I am happy to try to help you navigate your situation if you feel ok to DM me. Try to stay optimistic and good luck

Thank you! You are correct, I will DM you! :)

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According to Sherbrooke University's Q&A page regarding admission to the MD program, a student that accepts an offer cannot reapply for 7 years (5 years prior to 2017) but this doesn't mention someone rejecting an offer. Now, this probably means that there isn't an official rule that penalises someone who rejects an offer. As this is a Quebec rule instead of a Sherbrooke University rule, this would also apply to McGill.

In essence, this means that you could reject an offer but make sure you don't accept it and then change your mind.

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I have a friend who refused her Med-P offer, and reapplied a few years down the line to be accepted again. This was 4 years apart and it was Med-P, so not exactly the same as your situation, but this would be consistent with there not being a blacklist at McGill. I would go to the admissions office and ask them in person about both the possibility of deferral, and the impact of refusing an offer. Good luck!

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Look up the address of the admissions office; I would honestly just go there in person (after the offers are out of course; they're probably super busy these weeks). From my experience as well as that of a few friends, they are generally friendlier and more willing to help in person than through phone/email :P Plus, especially if your situation is complicated, talking in person will be much easier. The front-desk officer will be able to help you, and if needed will direct you to the right person in the office.

As for your second question, you generally have ~2 weeks to accept the offer (so expect until mid-April).


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