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    Does anyone know how many spots the UBC MOT waitlist typically moves? I tried searching this forum for information from past years, but so far no luck. If I find any info I'll be sure to update this post.

Also for individuals who were waitlisted for UBC's MOT program in previous years, but then were offered a seat, what was your initial waitlist number?


EDIT:  Also, does anyone know if this information means that for 2017 intake, there were 365 applicants for the MOT program, admission offers were given to 66 individuals, and a total of 52 individuals were admitted, so then there was 66-52 = 14 people accepted off the waitlist?


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15 minutes ago, housecalle said:

Also, does anyone know if this information means that for 2017 intake, there were 365 applicants for the MOT program, admission offers were given to 66 individuals, and a total of 52 individuals were admitted, so then there was 66-52 = 14 people accepted off the waitlist?


I think that means 14 people did not take the offer. 66 probably included the waitlist individuals, not sure how many though.

edit: oh i get what you're saying now, but I think there's 56 spots available annually (48 domestic and 8 international), so the number is still uncertain i think.

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20 minutes ago, NOOBorNOOB said:

I think that means 14 people did not take the offer. 66 probably included the waitlist individuals, not sure how many though.

edit: oh i get what you're saying now, but I think there's 56 spots available annually (48 domestic and 8 international), so the number is still uncertain i think.

Yeah I don't know why the numbers don't add up. But if I split it by domestic/international, it says 11 offers were made to international students and of those 11, 8 accepted. For domestic, it says 55 offers and 44 accepted. Maybe because of the limited seats, those 4 unaccounted for seats represent individuals who did not complete the program in 2 years, so are still attending?

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/27/2018 at 6:53 PM, OTSK said:

Is there a separate waitlist for OOP applicants and in province applicants? If not, how does it work, does a OOP waitlisted applicant only get a spot if an accepted OOP individual drops? Ty

sorry i have no clue, maybe someone else might know or u can always send UBC MOT an email.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/17/2018 at 6:11 PM, LivieK said:

RE: Waitlist Movement... I was accepted into the UBC OT program yesterday, and I was initially #2 on the waitlist. Best of luck to everyone waiting! 

Thanks for updating us and congrats!!

If anyone else hears back could you update here? I was originally #5 on the UBC MOT waitlist, so I am just wondering if there's been any more movement. Thanks!

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41 minutes ago, 2018OT said:

Thanks for updating us and congrats!!

If anyone else hears back could you update here? I was originally #5 on the UBC MOT waitlist, so I am just wondering if there's been any more movement. Thanks!

I checked with the department a few days ago, it only moved 2 so far. You're probably #3 now! 

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  • 2 weeks later...
1 hour ago, 2018OT said:

I was also accepted off of the waitlist yesterday, and I was initially #5! The list is definitely moving, good luck to everyone still waiting!


2 hours ago, emsquared said:

Waitlist movement update: I accepted an offer to UBC's OT program yesterday. I was originally waitlisted in the #4 spot. Hopefully this helps someone! Goodluck everyone :)


Thanks for letting us know, and congrats guys!! Hopefully the list continues to move a bit more.

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On 4/30/2018 at 10:46 AM, OTPsycApp said:

Just wondering, is anyone currently accepted to UBC planning to decline UBC's offer in favor of a different program? Just trying to estimate if I should expect the wait-list for UBC to move any further. Thanks!

Did you contact them on the mot.admissions@ubc.ca email, or reply to the person that sent the waitlist offer?

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
3 hours ago, OTPsycApp said:

Hey everyone, just wanted to let everyone know that the waitlist for UBC OT is still moving slowly (moved 1 position this past June) and they accept until the first week of September :) 

How many positions has it moved in total now, 6/7?

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