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Semester burn out, motivational inertia, and procrastination

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Anyone else struggling to stay focused on schoolwork during this last few weeks of the term? I just feel so DONE. But I'm not... -.- I still have a few finals to do, a couple assignments and a huge paper. It being sunny outside is not making this any easier... And now I've started to think about the results in May which is causing me anxiety. lol, great!

Just want to know I'm not alone. For the most part my friends are not in school so they can't totally empathize...

How do you beat the prematurely-done feeling? :/

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8 minutes ago, obiwankenobi said:

I know what you mean. It's stressful because if I don't get in this year, I still need a good GPA :( 

The struggle is real.

This is exactly it for me too. I need these grades to stay where they are, but my brain checked out a few days ago... not good man!

I took one day off unintentionally just being distracted, worked out, watched Netflix and thought it might reset me but it hasn't really... So now I am just forcing my way back into doing these assignments, readings, etc. but it's definitely not enjoyable or comfortable. Nothing about this process really is though I guess!

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I never comment in this section but seeing just the title popping up on the right, I had to click.

I relate oh so much...I have zero motivation because my current program is not what I want to do but I still need excellent grades just in case I don't get in...:(waiting till mid may is absolute torture.

As a wise one once said: "We're all in this together!"

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15 minutes ago, clever_smart_boy_like_me said:

The struggle is real.

This is exactly it for me too. I need these grades to stay where they are, but my brain checked out a few days ago... not good man!

I took one day off unintentionally just being distracted, worked out, watched Netflix and thought it might reset me but it hasn't really... So now I am just forcing my way back into doing these assignments, readings, etc. but it's definitely not enjoyable or comfortable. Nothing about this process really is though I guess!

I’ve definitely experienced burn out before. You might need a couple more days rest and do some really fun things. Perhaps take a one day trip some where. Usually when I’m in an whole new environment, it’s exciting and invigorating.

I’d also recommend taking up mediation.

Best of luck and hope you feel better soon.

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3 minutes ago, Butterfly_ said:

I’ve definitely experienced burn out before. You might need a couple more days rest and do some really fun things. Perhaps take a one day trip some where. Usually when I’m in an whole new environment, it’s exciting and invigorating.

I’d also recommend taking up mediation.

Best of luck and hope you feel better soon.

I know I need more days to just do fun stuff, but I don't have time for it... It is so down to the wire for me. I keep trying to let myself fantasize about the party I am throwing the week I finish my last exam to motivate myself. That and how great it will be to not have to worry about assignments or homework for a few months if I get in, and a year and a bit if I don't get in this cycle. Hoping those things will motivate me. Maybe I'll make myself do some really focused schoolwork tonight and then let myself enjoy a movie or some Netflix shows guilt-free... Usually when I am doing anything that is procrastinate-y I am not getting that relaxed feeling out of it because it's so full of guilt and like... "I didn't deserve this break" so it ends up not being a "break" at all. More just like delaying the inevitable.

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You guys have been through final exams season before - let this be just another one! You are seasoned students. You'll get through this slump, as you have before. Don't need to feel bad about finding this difficult because it is. Take a few hours if you need, and then grit your teeth and focus for just a few hours at a time if that's all you can handle. This shall pass

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1 hour ago, clever_smart_boy_like_me said:

I know I need more days to just do fun stuff, but I don't have time for it... It is so down to the wire for me. I keep trying to let myself fantasize about the party I am throwing the week I finish my last exam to motivate myself. That and how great it will be to not have to worry about assignments or homework for a few months if I get in, and a year and a bit if I don't get in this cycle. Hoping those things will motivate me. Maybe I'll make myself do some really focused schoolwork tonight and then let myself enjoy a movie or some Netflix shows guilt-free... Usually when I am doing anything that is procrastinate-y I am not getting that relaxed feeling out of it because it's so full of guilt and like... "I didn't deserve this break" so it ends up not being a "break" at all. More just like delaying the inevitable.

In that case, all I can say is:


As you mentioned, you’ll be free of this very soon. Imagine the light at the end of the tunnel and power through. You can do it!!!!!!!!!

When the semester is all over, you’ll feel like a king. Keep picturing your end goal!!!

I hope good news for you in May as well!!

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i know the feeling... 5 years of undergrad later and im so done at this point (graduating this May). i really wanna not care as much for these last few courses (hoping that i'll get into med so the grades wont matter) but the possibility of getting rejected everywhere and needing these marks to be great really sucks :( 

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2 hours ago, peanut.socks said:

i know the feeling... 5 years of undergrad later and im so done at this point (graduating this May). i really wanna not care as much for these last few courses (hoping that i'll get into med so the grades wont matter) but the possibility of getting rejected everywhere and needing these marks to be great really sucks :( 

We're all with you!
But you gotta keep the grades up!

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16 hours ago, clever_smart_boy_like_me said:

I know I need more days to just do fun stuff, but I don't have time for it... It is so down to the wire for me. I keep trying to let myself fantasize about the party I am throwing the week I finish my last exam to motivate myself. That and how great it will be to not have to worry about assignments or homework for a few months if I get in, and a year and a bit if I don't get in this cycle. Hoping those things will motivate me. Maybe I'll make myself do some really focused schoolwork tonight and then let myself enjoy a movie or some Netflix shows guilt-free... Usually when I am doing anything that is procrastinate-y I am not getting that relaxed feeling out of it because it's so full of guilt and like... "I didn't deserve this break" so it ends up not being a "break" at all. More just like delaying the inevitable.

Honestly, the best thing I've done for myself is this: I let myself off the hook when I'm procrastinating - especially when it's exhaustion related. 

I tell myself that - If I enjoy this break and let it be a break, I will get back to schoolwork sooner and with more productiveness than if I sit here on Pinterest hating myself for the next two hours (which I think is more exhausting than actually doing the homework). 

I'm overwhelmed to the max right now - and really just want to sleep. I have a research project, three in-class classes and two online classes to finish before the end of April. It's a haul and a half, but I try to remember there is a peak to the mountain. And it will be so good to be done all of this. Today though, I have an annotated bibliography to finish... 

Good luck to all of us!! We can do it!


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15 hours ago, peanut.socks said:

i know the feeling... 5 years of undergrad later and im so done at this point (graduating this May). i really wanna not care as much for these last few courses (hoping that i'll get into med so the grades wont matter) but the possibility of getting rejected everywhere and needing these marks to be great really sucks :( 

I agree with @clever_smart_boy_like_me      Do your best - and I would try to keep your grades up for the last few weeks! We are so close!!

And getting shit grades, with a rejection in May would suck...

I'm writing a paper on the ecology of sagebrush right now... which I seriously couldn't care less about can't wait to keep working on... :mellow: but... you know... fake it 'til you make it?

Hang in there! We can do it!! 

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17 hours ago, clever_smart_boy_like_me said:

Anyone else struggling to stay focused on schoolwork during this last few weeks of the term? I just feel so DONE. But I'm not... -.- I still have a few finals to do, a couple assignments and a huge paper. It being sunny outside is not making this any easier... And now I've started to think about the results in May which is causing me anxiety. lol, great!

Just want to know I'm not alone. For the most part my friends are not in school so they can't totally empathize...

How do you beat the prematurely-done feeling? :/

Definitely been in this position and had the dreaded outcome of NOT getting in at May (I got in the subsequent year - phew). It's hard because all you can think about is getting in, and you know if you are accepted you wouldn't have to continue studying for a grade that no longer matters. So I get it!

That being said, you have to, "hope for the best, but prepare for the worst". Hold on to the hope that you'll get in at May, but prepare yourself mentally and academically for the situation you don't.

You have to bite the bullet and push through it. Just tell yourself that the next 2 weeks of exams and papers are nothing you haven't faced before. It's the same big exams and same big papers you had to face at the end of 1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year and so forth. The challenge hasn't changed, the time length hasn't changed. The only difference is that your psyching yourself out.

If you are thinking about D-day all day, you are spending too much time thinking about things that are out of your control. Beyond studying for the good grades you need, keep yourself extra busy: Gym in the morning, study all day, cook yourself a healthy dinner in the evening, game a bit, pop 5mg of melatonin, go to sleep - and repeat.

TL;DR. If you don't get good grades on your last exams and you also don't get into medical school: you're at a bigger disadvantage for not getting an interview/not getting in the subsequent cycle. Everyone knows it only gets harder to get in every year, so don't shoot yourself in the foot.

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