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Need help pertaining to school choices and residency chances

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Hey guys,

This is my first cycle applying and I have interviewed at Dalhousie (OOP) and Queen's. I have recently been waitlisted at Dalhousie. I am not sure about Queen's but the interview felt even better than at Dal because I had some experience with the MMI. 

In the chaotic wait for May, I have started thinking about which school I would choose given acceptances at both (which would be a great problem to have..). I am an Ontario resident and would very much love to do my residency in-province. I know that both schools will give me a great education, but my question is will choosing Dalhousie put me at a significant disadvantage at matching in Ontario? Is it more of a challenge to match back into Ontario if you do your education as an OOP CMG?

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I'm in a similar boat and have been talking to people about it. Seems that anywhere in Canada is same for education and the only difference MIGHT be the opportunity to make in depth connections with staff where you'd want to do residency at or work at. I'd say if you want residency and work in Ontario, it's best to stay in Ontario.

Good luck!

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It isn't much more challenging, it is definitely doable. It could make a small difference though, and if the schools are equal in your eyes in other ways, then I would lean Queens. However, you can definitely match in Ontario from either school. Less people are going to go from Dal to Ontario mainly because most people in Dal are more likely to want to stay in Dal. 

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6 minutes ago, Edict said:

It isn't much more challenging, it is definitely doable. It could make a small difference though, and if the schools are equal in your eyes in other ways, then I would lean Queens. However, you can definitely match in Ontario from either school. Less people are going to go from Dal to Ontario mainly because most people in Dal are more likely to want to stay in Dal. 

Is your last point relevant? I mean: are you competing for those Ontario residency spots against people who also want to go there from your own school, or everyone in Canada?

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Edict probably means that even though you might see fewer people matching OOP in a given instance, it doesn't mean that there is necessarily an advantage given to in-province applicants - it just reflects the preferences of the applicants who are attending medical school in their home region.

Agree that the only differences would likely be the ability to make in-depth connections at Queen's, and perhaps a shorter distance to travel for electives at the other Ontario centres. But if you don't have an issue doing Ontario electives while being based at Dal, I don't think it will make a significant difference. Programs still want the best fit regardless of where you have trained.

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On 4/8/2018 at 4:47 PM, Eudaimonia said:

Is your last point relevant? I mean: are you competing for those Ontario residency spots against people who also want to go there from your own school, or everyone in Canada?

Lactic Folly explained what I meant by that last sentence. You are competing against people from across the country, it is just that fewer people from Dal Med probably want to come to Ontario, so you see less applicants from Dal applying, but you aren't at any disadvantage coming from Dal, apart from not having a home school advantage in an Ontario school and the fact that you may need to do one or so more electives in Ontario just to show you are interested. 

It isn't a big enough difference to matter, I would pick whichever school you like better. If it is even in other respects, then choose Queens for the small benefit it probably does give. 

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