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PCTH 300/305 Final Exam

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About how much/extensively if Term 1 material is tested on the PCTH 300/305 final exam? Is it memorizing the details from Term 1 again? Or is more about overlapping material between term 1 and 2?  

I'm willing to study everything to be prepared if needed but don't want to waste too time on term 1 if it's not needed. 

Thanks so much in advance!


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Know everything. PCTH is notorious for testing the small details. Esp. Horne and Karim. Walker and Pang only test overview... while the other visiting profs have random but reasonable questions. Overall, just study everything... you won't regret it.

For the term 1 stuff, know the big topics in detail (the ones with multiple days of class time and general core pcth concepts like pharmacodynamics/kinetics, autonomic NS etc.) while an overview of the other topics was fine in the year I took it. Good luck.

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