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Accepted/Rejected/Waitlisted??? (for current applicants)

Guest Ian Wong

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Guest Ian Wong

Hi all,


Here's a quick questionnaire regarding the admissions process at Saskatchewan. We ran this questionnaire last year, and I'd like to keep it going on an annual basis so we can generate some profiles of applicants who have been accepted, rejected, or placed on a waitlist for each school. If you are applying this year, please take a few minutes to fill out the below questions. :)


Please keep all replies focussed as answers to the below; I will delete any non-answers in this thread. If you have any questions, please start a new thread so that this one stays on topic. Please check out the big thread in the General Premed Forum as well to let us know which schools accepted you, and which ones waitlisted you or rejected you: pub125.ezboard.com/fpremed101frm0.showMessage?topicID=648.topic


If you can copy and paste the below form, and fill it out, that'd be awesome. If you want to contribute your GPA and MCAT stats in addition, that's great too. :)




I'm a (Province) resident in (undergraduate or graduate) studies. My GPA was (XYZ) and my MCAT scores were:


Physical Sciences: (x)

Verbal: (y)

Biological Sciences: (z)

Written Sample: (z)


I was (accepted/rejected/waitlisted) by Saskatchewan. This is my (first/second/third/more than third) time applying to this school.


Of all the schools I applied to, I'd like to attend (XYZ Med School) as my first choice.





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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest monkey

I am an Albertan resident in 3rd year (3.8, 31R)


I was accepted by UofS. First time applying to this school.


Of all the schools i applied, i'm torn btween UA and UWO. cant make up my mind.

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Guest kosmo14

I am a Saskatchewan resident just finished my third year of Micro/Biochem.


I was accepted at U of S. This is my first time applying.


Of all the schools I applied to I would like to attend U of S as my first choice

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Guest princejr13



I'm a saskatchewan resident and I was accepted by the U of S med school. I finished 3rd year of my biochem degree and I applied only to the U of S.


MCAT - 8, 10, Q, 10 (they're not the greatest scores but I met the cutoffs)


GPA - Two best full years - 3.90 on the OMSAS scale, but more importantly for the U of S, my average was 89%.


I wish everyone on this forum the best of luck in applying to medical schools and fulfilling their dreams of becoming great doctors.

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Guest ManitobaMed

I'm a Manitoba resident who just completed my BScH.


I was accepted off the waitlist by Saskatchewan. This was my 1st time applying to this school.


I'll be attending the University of Manitoba as my first choice.


Best two years: ~90%

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Guest crang

I got acceptted into the U of S. My first choice to attend, I am a Sask resident. My first time applying. I applied to Uof M and U of C - didn't get an interview

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I'm a Saskatchewan resident and I was in undergraduate studies but officially finished last Friday. Woohoo!


I was accepted by U of S after seeing all you guys get accepted, finally calling them up and asking why I haven't received a letter yet in Montreal. Getting good by phone's great! This is my first time applying to this school.

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Guest smu2001

I'm a NS resident and completed my BSc, Bio major, Psy minor in 2001.


I was waitlisted by Saskatchewan. This is my first time applying to this or any school.


Of all the schools I applied to, I'd like to attend UWO as my first choice. I was rejected by Dal and Queen's. I was waitlisted at UWO.


Best 2 years: 94%

MCAT: 10, 9, 11, Q

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest smu2001

I'm a NS resident and completed my BSc, Bio major, Psy minor in 2001.


I was initially waitlisted by Saskatchewan and now ACCEPTED! This is my first time applying to this or any school.


Of all the schools I applied to, I'd like to attend UWO as my first choice. I was rejected by Dal and Queen's. I was waitlisted at UWO.


Best 2 years: 94%

MCAT: 10, 9, 11, Q

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I just finished my BSc in Cell Bio at UofC. I was initially waitlisted at UofS but was accepted today. I have been accepted at UofA so I will most likely reject Saskatchewan's offer.

GPA ~3.8


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Guest Penny

I'm a Saskatchewan resident who finished second year undergrad psychology.


I was initially waitlisted by Saskatchewan, then accepted! This is my first time applying to this or any school.


Of all the schools I applied to, I'd like to attend U of S as my first choice.

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Guest BlueWooster

I'm a Sask resident with a B.MusEd and M.Mus


I was interviewed and rejected by UofM but interviewed and accepted by UofS. (~90%, 34R)


This was my first (and thankfully last!) time applying. U of S was my first choice (but U of M still hurt my feelings!)


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  • 1 year later...
  • 6 months later...

I'm a BC resident. My GPA was 92% (best two years), my interview score was 24/24 and my MCAT scores were:


Physical Sciences: 10

Verbal: 07

Biological Sciences: 13

Written Sample: P


I was accepted by Saskatchewan. This is my first time applying to this school.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest justanotherpremed

I'm a Sask resident in undergrad studies. My GPA was 3.91and my MCAT scores were:


Physical Sciences: 12

Verbal: 10

Biological Sciences: 12

Written Sample: N


I was accepted by Saskatchewan. This is my first time applying to this school.


Of all the schools I applied to, I'd like to attend Sask Med School as my first choice.:hat :smokin

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  • 1 month later...
Guest redhedmed

I'm a SK resident in undergraduate studies. My U of S average was 89% and my MCAT scores were:


Physical Sciences: 14

Verbal: 10

Biological Sciences: 10

Written Sample: S


I was accepted by Saskatchewan. This is my first time applying to this school.


I only applied here so it's my "first choice."

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  • 8 months later...
Guest liz80

BC OOP resident in undergrad studies. Two best years for USask are 91%. MCAT V 11 P 10 B 10 W P. My first time applying to USask. Still waiting to hear from other schools.

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Guest MedAnxiety

Congrats Liz!


I'm an OOP from BC as well and was just accepted today.


Two Best years of 92%

MCAT 9,12,13,Q


This is my first time applying to USask. UA or UBC are my first choices. But still waiting from them.

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Guest NorthernMed

Congrats Liz and MedAnxiety!


I'm a SK resident that completed my degree in 2003. My GPA was 3.9 and my MCAT scores were:


Physical Sciences: 12

Verbal: 10

Biological Sciences: 12

Written Sample: N (damn spelling)


I was accepted by Saskatchewan and UofC. Rejected by UofA pre-interview. My first choice is a split between UofS and UofC (I am leaning towards UofC but will have to decide soon).


Good luck to all!!!




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Guest versusMD

I'm a Saskatchewan resident in Biological Sciences studies. My 2 year was ~87% and my MCAT scores were:


Physical Sciences: (10)

Verbal: (10)

Biological Sciences: (9)

Written Sample: (P)


Interview score was 24, which was a welcomed change from the 17 I got last year.


I was accepted by Saskatchewan. This is my second time applying, and I'm in my fourth year right now.


Sask is my first choice and I will be accepting their offer.

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  • 2 years later...

Well since no one has added to this thread in 2 years, I figured i might as well start.

Waitlisted, OOP, from Ontario

Just finished year 3 of my second undergrad (nursing). My first degree marks were abysmal.

U of S was my only interview, out of 11 applications across the country. And i've applied too many times in the past to count, but most of those tries were from the abysmal degree, so I didn't really have much of a chance then.

Really hoping all you OOP's that got acceptances also got accepted elsewhere and you decline UofS :D


Forgot my stats:

94% best 2 years

MCAT 10/9/11 Q (V/P/B)

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I'm a Sask resident currently living and working in Calgary as an RN. Did two degrees, BSc. (BIOC) and BN. Last two years GPA ~3.8 or 86% on a U of S scale (I think). Thought I did really well on the MM interview this year, so that may have been my saving grace!



Verbal: 10

Physical: 7 (two years away from the sciences ;-()

Biological: 12

Writing: R


I applied to U of S and U of C. Rejected pre-interview at U of C (missed the cutoff by 1.74 points). Accepted at U of S. This is my fourth round applying and I must encourage those out there who have rejection letters to keep perservering!!!




P.S. I started a Facebook thread for those accepted this year: U of S Medicine Class of 2011.

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OOP applicant from AB (4th yr bcem major @ UofC).

Waitlisted here, UofM, and UofO, accepted at UofA, UofC, UofT.

GPA: probably around 94 or 95% on sask scale

MCAT: 33R (12/9/12)

MMI: sighs..i actually missed my flight by 2 minutes the night before the interview. So I drove all night long from calgary to sask to give my MMI. needless to say I wasnt well rested and don't think I performed great (but no killer moments either, I dont think).

Will probably pass up my spot here if I get it, in favor of UofA or UofT. I applied only to UofA last year and was rejected post interview there. This year I applied to the 6 schools listed above. Goodluck everyone! Everything happens for a reason, and perseverance will pay off! Way to go HateWaiting!!!!!!

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