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Changes to UBC DMD Application for 2019 (references)

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Has anybody started their application and noticed that they've changed some things about the application? One is just a minor thing where they ask about our manual dexterity skills but another is that you can't apply with a DAT score from any year now, it has to be from within the last 3 years. Also we now require 2 references.

Up until now references weren't required for the UBC application. Being IP, deciding on dental school late and not having super high grades I knew UBC was my only shot so I never bothered trying to develop relationships with people I could ask for dental school references. Now I don't know what to do anymore. One requirement is just a general reference which I'm fine with but the other needs to be an upper level science professor you studied under or a dentist. I graduated a couple years ago and never got to know any of my profs so that's out the window. There is a dentist I've shadowed but he's a family member with the same last name as me and it says no family members are allowed.

I was able to interview at UBC last cycle and did well on the MMI but scored low on PBL. I was confident I could improve on that this time around. However, now I don't even know if I'm going to be able to apply. I was hoping to submit my application by Aug 30th and be considered for early interviews (which are also new, I think?) so that I would have time to consider going to Australia since their schools start in January.

I know not planning ahead in case a change like this was made was stupid of me but any advice? I feel like unless I want to wait a whole year to work on my application, my only option is to delay submitting this year's application until the deadline on November 1 and finding a dentist to shadow for 2 months in the meanwhile.. Shadowing for a short period like that only to immediately ask for a reference feels it would be disingenuous of me, idk.

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