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  1. General Premed and Med School Topics

    1. General Premed Discussions

      Premed topics on Canadian med school admissions. Specific med school topics go below in their respective medical school forums.

    2. Medical Student General Discussions

      An area for Canadian medical students to interact and share information.

    3. The Lounge

      Non-medical discussions go here.

    4. Research Discussions

      Discuss research topics and opportunities here, including NSERC.

    5. Non-Traditional Applicants/Grad Students

      A forum for non-standard applicants who have taken a less direct pathway to medicine or dentistry. Discussions including applications, family, and career changes.

    6. MCAT Preparation

      Discuss MCAT review courses and strategies for the Medical College Admissions Test.

    7. Medical School Interviews

      Got a medical school interview? Debates, discussions, and ethical scenarios go here.

  2. Healthcare Professions

    1. Dental Student General Discussions

      An area for Canadian dental students to interact and share information.

    2. Optometry Discussions

      An area for Canadian optometry students and applicants to interact and share information.

    3. Veterinary Medicine Discussions

      An area for Canadian veterinary students and applicants to interact and share information.

    4. Podiatry Discussions

      An area for Canadian podiatry students and applicants to interact and share information.

    5. Physician Assistant and Nurse Practitioner Discussions

      An area for Canadian PA and NP students and applicants to interact and share information.

    6. Nursing Discussions

      An area for Canadian nursing students and applicants to interact and share information.

    7. Pharmacy Discussions

      An area for Canadian pharmacy students and applicants to interact and share information.

    8. Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy Discussions

      An area for Canadian physiotherapy and occupational therapy students and applicants to interact and share information.

  3. Ontario Medical Schools

    1. General Ontario Discussions (OMSAS)

      General Ontario med school topics: eg. tuition, seats, cutoffs, OMSAS applications.

    2. 37.2k
    3. 45.6k
    4. 26.4k
    5. 38.4k
    6. 35.2k
    7. 9.4k
  4. Quebec Medical Schools

    1. General Quebec Discussions

      General Quebec premed and med school discussions, including CEGEP.

    2. 32k
    3. 81.3k
    4. 17.2k
    5. 29.8k
  5. Atlantic Medical Schools

    1. 19.5k
    2. 7.1k
  6. Western Canadian Medical Schools

    1. 56.4k
    2. 23.6k
    3. 30.8k
    4. 10.7k
    5. 10.5k
  7. Resources for Med School, Residencies, and Practising Physicians

    1. Med School Orientation 101

      Incoming med student? Discussion on Orientation topics: eg. financial aid (loans, LOC's), insurance, etc.

    2. The Preclinical Years (Med 1 and 2)

      Doing your basic sciences? Share links on the basic sciences and the USMLE Step 1.

    3. Clerkship Rotations and Electives (Med 3 and 4)

      On the wards? Links for electives, clinical medicine, and the USMLE Step 2 and MCCQE/LMCC Part 1 exams.

    4. CaRMS and CaRMS applications

      Prepping for CaRMS? Discuss strategies for your CV's, LOR's, interviews, etc.

    5. Primary Care Residencies

      Discussions on Family Medicine, Community Medicine, Occupational Medicine, Emergency Medicine, Internal Medicine, Obstetrics/Gynecology, Pediatrics, and Psychiatry.

    6. Surgery and Surgical Subspecialty Residencies

      Discussions on General Surgery, Cardiac Surgery, Neurosurgery, Ophthalmology, Orthopedic Surgery, Otolaryngology, Plastic Surgery, and Urology.

    7. Diagnostics, Imaging, and Therapeutics Residencies

      Discussions on Radiology, Nuclear Medicine, Radiation Oncology, Pathology and Lab Medicine.

    8. Other Specialty Residencies

      Discussions on Anesthesiology, Dermatology, Medical Genetics, Neurology, and Physiatry.

    9. General Resident Physician Discussions

      An area for Canadian residents to interact and share information. Find physician salaries here.

  8. US and International Medical Schools

    1. 28.6k
    2. 10k
    3. 1k
  9. Information Exchange (Book reviews, For Sale, and Housing)

    1. Textbook and Equipment Reviews

      Your Consumer Reports for medical textbooks and equipment.

    2. For Sale/Trade Classifieds

      Your place to sell old premed and medical items (eg. MCAT/DAT supplies, textbooks, etc). No dealers please.

    3. Housing Classifieds

      A venue for finding short and long-term housing for premed and med students.

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    • Bonjour tout le monde, je suis actuellement étudiante en pharmacology a McGill et mon rêve depuis toute jeune est de devenir dentiste. Je sais que Laval sont plus lousse avec leur critères d'admission que udem et McGill donc j'aimerais savoir a vos avis quelles sont mes chances d'être pris en compte avec un GPA de 3.1/4.0 pour 29 crédits (ma première année ne s'est pas déroulé comme prévue  i know). est ce que c'est worth it d'Appliquer quand meme sachant que ma cote R du cégep était de 31.3. J'ai aussi pensé a appliquer en pharmacie vue que l'admission a niveau universitaire est plus facile (pas besoins de 35 de cote). J'accepte tout types de conseils! PS: quelqu'un aurait des info sur l'indice de force de pharmacologie a McGill ou bien juste biomed en général a McGill? :)
    • From a GP perspective, essentially every city in BC has several GP-derm's.  Who are essentially family physicians just with a special interest in dermatology. and advertise as such.  Most don't have any formal training, most of their training is from different courses, self study, personal interest etc... They are all absolutely flooded with referrals.  If you want to focus on dermatology, you will have no problem getting referrals.  It would just depend on your own confidence/comfort level what you choose to see etc...
    • Practicing your medical school interview is a key to smash the admissions process and get a medical school place. I found the following site helped me immensely in doing this practice and get real expert feedback - www.medicalschoolinterview.com
    • Hello fellow premed users, I am in my third semester in an English Cégép in Québec. I will be applying to medicine this semester and obviously I want to maximize my R score. I noticed that my R-score is the lowest for language programs (english and french) and I'm looking into the possibility of dropping these classes and doing an equivalent course with cegep a distance on my fourth semester (where my r-score for these courses won't be taken into account when applying). I have an english class this semester and the next one but only a french class this semester. Anyone that has done the same thing as I want to do (or has considered it), please advise me on whether or not I should drop my english and/or french class and do them next semester with cegep a distance (and if they offer them or not). The courses are 602-UF2-MQ (French) and 603-329-HR (English). My cegep does not offer those courses on the fourth semester. Also,how hard is it to have a decent r-score with cegep a distance and what has been your experience with them. My deadline to drop a course is the 19th of September (next week at the time of writing this question). Thank you so much for any help provided, cannot wait to read your suggestions!
    • Je suis présentement en biochimie avec un GPA de 3.79 et je ne sais pas quoi comme prochaine étape, mon but est d'aller en pharma  j'ai deja passé le casper auparavant et j'ai eu un 3eme quartille, en esperant que ce soit de même voir mieux cette fois ci,  mais je sais que mon gpa n'est pas assez fort et je ne sais pas combien de CRU cela va donner ( je me dis peu etre vers 32? ) Donc la j'aimerais avoir des conseils sur quoi faire, il me reste un semestre en biochimie, donc je gradue en decembre, donc les notes qui se rajoute ce semestre ne seront pas pris en compte  et je ne sais pas si c'est mieux pour moi de commencer une maitrise apres cela, ou commencer un autre bac bien qui est bien coté comme par exemple nutrition  Tout conseil m'aiderait énormément !!
    • Not sure why no ones making accepted posts this year but i guess ill start as these forums have helped me alot through my journey. Accepted- 1st choice Saskatoon GPA-80.2%(barely made cutoffs) Mcat- 494 Degree- B.A 4yr(applied in 4th year) Connection- Born and Raised Sasky Interview-Very well. started practicing the day after submitting applications. ///Honestly very shocked with my stats as goes to show how much more Mmi matters. Was expecting waitlist but got accepted right away as decisions came out. 
    • Est ce que vous pouvez recommender des companies qui peuvent nous aider a pratiquer pour les entrevue en français? 
    • Does anyone know if the GPA regional preference candidates is lower than that of non regional for uOttawa med? what about French stream?
    • If anyone applying has any resources on studying for CASPER, pls do share and tysm! 
    • I’ve been researching materials for dental crowns and came across zirconia as a popular option. It seems to be highly recommended, but I’d like to get a more detailed understanding before making a decision. What makes zirconia a superior choice compared to other materials like porcelain or metal? Are there any potential drawbacks or concerns with using zirconia for crowns or bridges? I’d appreciate insights from dental professionals or anyone who has had experience with zirconia restorations. Is it worth the investment?
    • I'm now in medecine. I'm surrounded by physicians. Let me tell you. Quality of life in pharmacy is 100x better then medecine for most specialties. You know when you start your day. You know when you'll finish your day (95% of the time). The pharmacy is either open or closed. Not much going on when all the ATPs are gone. Sure, if you want to, you can stay longer if you are doing clinical stuff but you aint gonna be paid anyway in most places so you shall NOT go over the end of your shift. At least, you try not to.  This is for a salaried position but the same applies for replacement. Replacement, you are free to choose whatever shift you want. That's the main perk. You are paid more because social charges and union fees are less. You have slightly more paperwork regarding your income tax report at the end of the fiscal year. If you do a lot of replacement you have to think about incorporating vs going the self-employed route (travailleur autonome). These are additionnal things you got to think about but it's not really a big deal tbh.  I loved (and still love) hospital pharmacy. I left because I wanted to get specialized even more and options were limited in Quebec. I am also aiming for specific specialties in medicine. I got involved in plenty of comittees, On a pharmacy standpoint, I got to manage plenty of emergency cases with my colleagues, got to see onco patients every day and asses their needs, evaluated LTC patients and set up a pharmacy plan for them. Honeslty, it is so diverse and fulfilling. Thing is, you need to learn to let go of some things when you work in a team with physicians and nurses but also when to hold on. That's a fine line to walk on, but you get used to it.  Hope that helps a little bit. Bob
    • Allo ! Oui c'est nécessaire pour la plupart des endroits mêmes en région. Par contre, dans le nord du Québec dans les villages Inuits ou les communautés Cree de la Baie-James j'ai plusieurs amis qui ont travaillé là sans maitrise. Dans des régions comme l'abitibi, le saguenay LSJ, la gaspésie et la côte-nord j'y compterais pas trop. Il y a parfois des postes de disponibles à de petits endroits genre ville-marie et lasarre en abitibi ou blanc sablon sur la côte nord ou les gens seraient peut-être ouvert à t'avoir comme employé(e) sans maitrise mais c'est vraiment peu de centre. Pour le dépannage sans maitrise ça dépend. Je ne pense pas que perso je l'aurais fait parce que tu sais jamais sur quoi tu vas tomber. Par contre, dans la vie, tout s'apprend. J'ai un collègue sans maitrise qui fait du dépannage en milieu hospitalier depuis plusieurs années. Aussi, je crois que l'APES poussait pour avoir des pharmaciens sans maitrise pour les soins de longue durée et pour faire la distrib. Je ne sais pas si c'est encore quelque chose de réal. Je sais que quand j'ai fait un stage à l'institut de gériatrie à Mtl il y avait une pharmacienne sans maitrise qui s'occupait de la distrib uniquement. Donc en résumé, officiellement ce n'est pas obligatoire une maitrise pour le milieu hospitalier. Officieusement, pas grand monde va t'engager même en région éloignée mais c'est possible.  Bob
    • Yeah this whole application thing is quite stressful! Unfortunately, UBC is not very transparent on how they weigh us as applicants. Having volunteer hours is a plus. I know shadowing is not required, but on their admission requirements they do recommend them (30 hours, I think??). You not having shadowing experience isn't going to be a dealbreaker.
    • Merci pour toute cette information, j’ai appliqué aux doctorats pour pouvoir commencer pendant la session d’automne 2025. Mon examen Casper s’approche… j’ai fait la pratique sur le site et ç’a bien été. J’ai tellement d’exemples de vie … je suis enseignante. Merci !!!!!  Btw j’ai aussi lu ta scolarité et tu m’inspires énormément, tu as travaillé tellement fort ! J’ai un ami qui est rentré dans le doctorat en pharmacie grâce à son expérience comme ATP, il a travaillé dans les pharmacies longtemps. Je suis contente que tu sois finalement admis dans ton programme ! Bonne continuation:)
    • Même si tu réussis à avoir 33, si tu l'as flush malheureusement c'est très peu probable. 33 c'est juste un cut off éliminatoire. À UdeM, ils convoquent quand même ceux avec les meilleures CRU (60% de l'évaluation) et les meilleurs CASPer (40% de l'évaluation). C'est pas comme à UL où, après le cut off de 31, ils regardent pu la CRU.
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