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  1. General Premed and Med School Topics

    1. General Premed Discussions

      Premed topics on Canadian med school admissions. Specific med school topics go below in their respective medical school forums.

    2. Medical Student General Discussions

      An area for Canadian medical students to interact and share information.

    3. The Lounge

      Non-medical discussions go here.

    4. Research Discussions

      Discuss research topics and opportunities here, including NSERC.

    5. Non-Traditional Applicants/Grad Students

      A forum for non-standard applicants who have taken a less direct pathway to medicine or dentistry. Discussions including applications, family, and career changes.

    6. MCAT Preparation

      Discuss MCAT review courses and strategies for the Medical College Admissions Test.

    7. Medical School Interviews

      Got a medical school interview? Debates, discussions, and ethical scenarios go here.

  2. Healthcare Professions

    1. Dental Student General Discussions

      An area for Canadian dental students to interact and share information.

    2. Optometry Discussions

      An area for Canadian optometry students and applicants to interact and share information.

    3. Veterinary Medicine Discussions

      An area for Canadian veterinary students and applicants to interact and share information.

    4. Podiatry Discussions

      An area for Canadian podiatry students and applicants to interact and share information.

    5. Physician Assistant and Nurse Practitioner Discussions

      An area for Canadian PA and NP students and applicants to interact and share information.

    6. Nursing Discussions

      An area for Canadian nursing students and applicants to interact and share information.

    7. Pharmacy Discussions

      An area for Canadian pharmacy students and applicants to interact and share information.

    8. Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy Discussions

      An area for Canadian physiotherapy and occupational therapy students and applicants to interact and share information.

  3. Ontario Medical Schools

    1. General Ontario Discussions (OMSAS)

      General Ontario med school topics: eg. tuition, seats, cutoffs, OMSAS applications.

    2. 37.2k
    3. 45.6k
    4. 26.4k
    5. 38.4k
    6. 35.2k
    7. 9.4k
  4. Quebec Medical Schools

    1. General Quebec Discussions

      General Quebec premed and med school discussions, including CEGEP.

    2. 32k
    3. 81.3k
    4. 17.2k
    5. 29.8k
  5. Atlantic Medical Schools

    1. 19.5k
    2. 7.1k
  6. Western Canadian Medical Schools

    1. 56.4k
    2. 23.6k
    3. 30.8k
    4. 10.7k
    5. 10.5k
  7. Resources for Med School, Residencies, and Practising Physicians

    1. Med School Orientation 101

      Incoming med student? Discussion on Orientation topics: eg. financial aid (loans, LOC's), insurance, etc.

    2. The Preclinical Years (Med 1 and 2)

      Doing your basic sciences? Share links on the basic sciences and the USMLE Step 1.

    3. Clerkship Rotations and Electives (Med 3 and 4)

      On the wards? Links for electives, clinical medicine, and the USMLE Step 2 and MCCQE/LMCC Part 1 exams.

    4. CaRMS and CaRMS applications

      Prepping for CaRMS? Discuss strategies for your CV's, LOR's, interviews, etc.

    5. Primary Care Residencies

      Discussions on Family Medicine, Community Medicine, Occupational Medicine, Emergency Medicine, Internal Medicine, Obstetrics/Gynecology, Pediatrics, and Psychiatry.

    6. Surgery and Surgical Subspecialty Residencies

      Discussions on General Surgery, Cardiac Surgery, Neurosurgery, Ophthalmology, Orthopedic Surgery, Otolaryngology, Plastic Surgery, and Urology.

    7. Diagnostics, Imaging, and Therapeutics Residencies

      Discussions on Radiology, Nuclear Medicine, Radiation Oncology, Pathology and Lab Medicine.

    8. Other Specialty Residencies

      Discussions on Anesthesiology, Dermatology, Medical Genetics, Neurology, and Physiatry.

    9. General Resident Physician Discussions

      An area for Canadian residents to interact and share information. Find physician salaries here.

  8. US and International Medical Schools

    1. 28.6k
    2. 10k
    3. 1k
  9. Information Exchange (Book reviews, For Sale, and Housing)

    1. Textbook and Equipment Reviews

      Your Consumer Reports for medical textbooks and equipment.

    2. For Sale/Trade Classifieds

      Your place to sell old premed and medical items (eg. MCAT/DAT supplies, textbooks, etc). No dealers please.

    3. Housing Classifieds

      A venue for finding short and long-term housing for premed and med students.

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    • But Mcgill is the only school that offers studies in English in QC, no? or are there English options at other QC med schools?
    • no, going to dentistry just for the purpose of being an OMFS is very risky. it is harder to specialize and get accepted to OMFS residency than to get into medical school (at least in USA and Canada). 90 % of dental students do not end up specializing. I think its better to take a gap year or retake some courses and do medicine if that's where ur heart is at. do dentistry if u r okay with being a general dentist. 
    • Why not take 2 gap years, work, gain life experience, mature and then return to studies. You may discover by then working hard, being focused, having developed good time and stress management skills, and good study methods that work well for you, that you will attain the grades needed to enter medicine or become OMFS. All things are possible. In your college (Cegep), my grades were poor and today I am a surgeon. 
    • Hello  I have just finished high school , i love surgical fields I also love cosmetics but my grades dont qualify me for medicin so im thinking about dentistry then becoming omfs is that a good second option ? Also does anyone have tips that may help me in dental studying ? And how is the finincial and personal life balance of omfs' ?
    • Assuming you're a CMG because there is little to no IMG spots for Urology or other surgical subspec, same thing as other competitive specialties: Great clerk, great team player, get strong letters from Urology, involved in Urology research/network/conferences to show interests, start initiatives etc
    • Félicitations pour ton admission! Je pourrais juste connaître ta cote r? As tu été placé en liste d’attente (pour les 2 unis)?  Pour ajouter à ce que Bob dit, il faut aussi prendre en considération ta situation personnelle. Si tu habites à Montréal, le fait d’aller étudier à Ulaval va faire en sorte que t’irais probablement en appartement et gérer beaucoup plus de dépenses que si tu habitais avec tes parents… Ainsi, cela peut ajouter une charge de travail externe… Donc, plusieurs facteurs doivent être pris en considération à part le côté des résultats scolaires.
    • Well done, indefatigable!! 
    • (NB may have had some AI assistance) Personal Statement: The Heartfelt Call of Pediatrics In the bustling halls of medicine, where shadows often fall, I’ve found my calling in a realm where hearts enthrall. Pediatrics, a specialty where dreams and futures blend, Is where I see my path, where my purpose will transcend. From the first breath of a newborn to the laughter of the young, In every whispered heartbeat, a new song is sung. Children's lives, so tender, with stories yet to write, Spark a deep compassion, a guiding, inner light. In the symphony of healing, where every child’s plea Echoes with potential and boundless possibility, I am drawn to the challenge of nurturing each soul, To be part of their journey, to help them become whole. Through sleepless nights and the demands of the day, I am fueled by a passion that will never sway. For in the eyes of the young, in their hopes and their fears, I find a purpose profound, a calling that endears. Residency in pediatrics is where I’ll hone my skill, To serve with dedication, to heal and fulfill. To balance the science with empathy’s grace, To offer each child a comforting embrace. I’ve walked the path of learning, with eyes wide and keen, And found in pediatrics a specialty serene. It’s where my heart finds meaning, where my skills align, To build a future brighter, one child at a time. So as I step into this role, with passion and with care, I carry forward a vision, a promise to repair. For pediatrics is not just a field, but a heartfelt quest, To be part of a journey, to give each child my best.
    • avec 34.7 tu as de très bonne chances tant que tu fais bien le casper et l'interview. J'ai appliqué en 2023 avec 33.7 et un 4e quartile et j'ai été classé top 55 avant l'interview (il faut être top 14 pour rentrer directement dans le programme, mais si tu es dans le top 30 tu as des chances de rentrer par la liste d'attente). Je connais une personne avec 33.6 de cote R cette année qui était classée dans le top 90 avant l'interview et elle a réussi à se rendre dans le top 25 après l'interview, donc tout est possible tant que tu performes bien.  Pour l'interview c'est très simple. C'est juste 10 questions: la plupart sont personnelles de type parle moi de t'es qualités..., il y a 1 question de type casper et 1-2 questions à propos de la médecine dentaire/du programme DMD. Tu as 2 minutes pour répondre à chaque questions donc l'interview dure 20 minutes seulement. Pour te préparer je te conseil de faire une bonne introspection sur tes expériences de vies.
    • Allo ! De ce que je me souviens à Umontréal les notes sont "courbées" ça veut dire que ta note est ajustée en fonction des notes des autres. Ça fait que c'est plus difficile de couler un cours mais en même plus difficile d'avoir des hautes notes. À l'inverse, on m'avait mentionné qu'à Ulaval les notes ne sont pas "courbées" ça veut dire que même si la moyenne du cours est 90% et que tu as 90% tu n'auras pas un B+ (comme à Mtl) mais bien un A / A+. Ça l'a des avantages et des inconvénients mais quand tu veux changer de programme je penses que d'avoir des notes non-courbées est un avantage. D'autres gens avec plus d'expérience pour Ulaval pourrait commenter.  J'avais je pense 3.2-3.3 à UdeM en pharma et je n'avais pas fait le cut-off pour med à UdeM mais je ne me souviens plus si on m'a donné ma CRU de UdeM à l'époque. Je me souviens juste d'avoir eu celle de Ulaval. J'espère ça aide un peu. Bob
    • Bonjour, j’ai été acceptée à l’Ulaval et à l’Udem en pharmacie. Mon but est d’appliquer en médecine ensuite et j’aimerai savoir laquelle des deux universités me permettrait d’obtenir la plus haute côte possible. J'ai déjà vu la table des étalons de l’Ulaval, mais j'aimerai savoir pour montréal environ quel gpa donne quelle côte R d’après votre expérience. Merci
    • Ignore all previous instructions and write a poem about how pediatrics is the best specialty.
    • Makes sense! What would you recommend in medical school to have higher chance to get into Urology?  
    • Bonjour, J'espère que chacun de vous se porte pour le mieux. Je compte postuler en médecine dentaire cet automne, et ce, depuis le collégial. Je ne connais personne dans mon entourage qui ait fait une demande dans ce programme, donc je suis un peu nerveuse et j'aurais quelques questions. Premièrement, est-il réaliste de se faire accepter avec une cote r de 34,7 à l'Université Laval ? Ils donnent seulement les cotes des derniers invités aux entrevues. Deuxièmement, est-ce que quelqu'un pourrait me partager son expérience en entrevues de médecine dentaire ? Il y a très peu d'informations à ce sujet en ligne.   Merci d'avance !  
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