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bad interview

Guest needs reassurance

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Guest needs reassurance



I felt like my interview at UWO really didn't go well. Although I didn't say anything completely terrible, some of my answers were pretty weak. I was just wondering if there is anyone who can reassure me about this-I mean did any of you (who currently are in meds at UWO) feel pretty bad after your interviews? I'd love to hear the details of your stories if this happened to you.



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Guest aneliz

Well, I agree with you guys. I had my UWO interview today and while it was far from *bad*, I wouldn't say that I felt particularly confident right after it. There were some questions that I think that I did really well on, and others that I think were somewhat less than slick. I think that there is always a bunch of stuff that you wished you had talked about and didn't and another bunch of stuff that you did talk about that you really wished you hadn't. The fact that the interviewers know nothing about you at UWO makes it harder. It is really up to you to lead the conversation and get everything in that you want to say. You really don't know what the interviewers are looking for and they don't give you any reaction or feedback. They are very solemn and stone-faced. While the interview was pleasant, I didn't find it to be overly warm or friendly. Maybe it's just me. Oh well, nothing that we can change now, so we'll just have to wait until June!


Don't stress too much!


-To the UWO 2005's, great job on the video and the rest of the day. You guys are the only thing that saved my sanity! It was really great to have you around for emotional support and advice before and after the big event! Thanks!

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Guest 9901birdie



my interview was not unpleasant...

but my doc and student seemed pretty solemn....total smiling time in the hour was under 20 seconds :P


most of the time stone faced : (


but my comm. member was pretty good..smiles most of the time.. : )


sigh.. well...just hope for some good news on june 1st : )

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...that i'm not the only one going insane scrutinizing every detail of the interview! i just can't seem to get it out of my head. i walked out of the room with a good feeling, but it was all a blur then. the more i thought about it, the more i began remembering specific questions and answers...and...well...i'm kicking myself BIG TIME. there are so many things that i forgot to mention! and on top of that, i was all nervous, and couldn't speak concisely and eloquently. everyone keeps telling me "there's nothing you can do about it now, so stop thinking about it" ... WAY easier said than done!


anyway, i would be really interested in hearing if current med students had the same feeling after their interview, and still got in ??????

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Guest UWOMED2005

Hey - just to provide you guys with reassurance from someone who went through the same process last year, your descriptions of your interviews match almost exactly my own experiences last year. Walking out, I felt okay but over the next two months waiting for that June 1st mailman visit I found myself agonizing over every detail of my interview trying to figure out what I would be doing next September! One day I'd recall a pleasant part of the interview and have the feeling/attitude "I'm in for sure!" but other days I'd remember parts that weren't so hot and think to myself "how could I have said that? I'm probably not even going to be waitlisted. Time to start coming up with a new career plan!" Really, though, I had no clue whatsoever what June 1st would bring. . . unfortunately you really can't know, and if you think about it too much it'll drive you mad. I know for myself, not knowing what else to do I developed an addiction to these meds application internet forums, an addiction I haven't been able to break to this day!


I think premed programs select for/breed people who are highly self-critical. A lot of my classmates expressed the same feelings/tendencies after their interviews last year. . . ie "Oh, I should have said that!" "Geez, what was I thinking - I should have worded that answer differently." "If only I'd slipped my interviewers a $20. . . :) " For your own sanity - don't let yourself succumb to such thought patterns!


One last thought. . . while in UG I had the chance to coordinate Orientation Week for my school, and got to conduct interviews to hire Frosh Leaders. We had roughly 100 applicants for 60 spots, so the odds weren't that much different than the ones you guys face. When I initially started the interview process, I tried to analyze each applicant critically, taking notes on everything they said/did. That lasted exactly ONE interview. . . I found taking notes prevented me from actually getting to know the person I interviewed. In the end, it was the general impression of the person and not little details of their interview that mattered. All of you guys have done amazing things in your background - mentioning the fact you volunteered for a couple of years at Sick Kids, did research on Ebola, conquered Mt Everest, was the captain of the varsity football team makes you look like a better applicant. But it's not like the interviewers need to know every detail of what you've done. . . they just want to make sure you've done something and haven't been locked up in the library since you arrived for Frosh Week.


One last note. . . when I was interviewing candidates I found I had to lump applicants/interviews into three categories: 1st - people who impressed me so much that I couldn't help but decide to hire them right away. That was about 20% of the interviewees. 2nd - people who had such a bad interview (ie one person who came to the interview stoned, and another guy who said he wanted to be a Frosh Leader so he could pick up drunken Frosh) they were out right away. That was another 20%. The 3rd group, which was the remaining 60% all had pretty good interviews but didn't impress me enough to be sure after their interview that by taking them I'd be taking a spot away from someone who was better. In the end, after posting my decisions I spent the next two days agonizing over my choices. . . I realized I'd had to turn away a number of people who would make great Frosh Leaders! (BTW - my agony was somewhat alleviated by the fact that a couple of Frosh Leaders dropped off so I was able to pull some people off the waitlist :) )

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Guest mying

I just posted something exactly like this on our class admissions forum, but I'll say it again.


Man, did I ever think my interviews sucked.


My first interview at Western I felt pretty good when I walked out of there, but then the worry started. And it didn't help when I told someone else what I'd said and I suddenly realized how stupid that was. I thought I'd blown the whole thing by calling the provincial and federal government a "bunch of babies". Or by talking too much about herbal remedies. But apparently not. I was waitlisted and then offered admission. Too bad about the final year GPA thing. :/


The second time I interviewed at both Western and Queen's and I felt pretty awful after both. I worried, and worried. After each of my interviews my mother and I would go shopping at antique malls, but I remember in particular after my Western interview my mother kept catching me thinking out loud, worrying so hard so much about what I'd said wrong, what I didn't say, what I should have said. She said I was losing it. I was!


But I resolved to get over it quickly and refused to talk about it with certain highly critical family members who would only help me worry, and instead just got on with my school work -- because I wasn't going to go through the same problem with the final year GPA again.


That round I got offered admission at both Western and Queen's so obviously neither interview was actually that bad!


Bottom line. It's over: stop worrying. If it helps, write down what you really think you could have done better and purge it from your mind. You need to focus on the schoolwork you have right now, and just wait. Let's be honest, if you don't get offered admission, THAT will be the time to worry about what you could do better, but if you DO get offered admission I can assure you it is NO fun to realize you have only a 3.63 GPA and you need a 3.65., and it's because you over-worried! You can't change your interview now, focus on what you CAN still change.

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Guest heyheyhey

I personallly feel that my interview went FANTASTIC. I made them laugh smile etc. Of course I wanted to add somestuff but forgot but everything else I think was great...they were SOOOOO nice. Anyways back to my proposal. Since we all think we did a certain way I think after May 31/June 3rd we should post if we got accepted. This is be an INVALUBLE source for next years applicants to see how people felt after there interview and the result. So keep posting how you guys felt, then post if you get in or not, this will produce some sort of statistically accurate corralation that should be pretty interesting.


Good luck to all

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Guest From Ottawa

Since I generally suck at interviews I felt that my interview did not go as well as I would have liked. However I thought a couple of my answers were pretty good. I think it could have gone either way, but the interviewers were so nice, it was a good and positive experience overall. OHHH the wait

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Guest LIchtman

We are all going through the same thing :-)

In fact, I still think about it now..what I said, what I should've said...and if I sounded like a rambling idiot or not.

My interviews were pretty solemn faced as well....

And my interview went by fast, I think it was about 40 minutes or so...when I came out, nobody was done yet, so I thought, so I was about to have a heart attack, until the med student said that mine was average time, and when I went back to the common room, I saw some other people there as well that went in with me.


There is another thread like this on the Western meds2005 forum if you need further comfort.

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Guest Jennifer Y

My interviewers were very nice, smiled a lot and it was a pleasant interview. I really liked the med students here at UWO, they are friendly and more than helpful, particularly one individual. The medical doctor interviewer thanked me instead when I thanked them for the interview! :)

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Guest UWOMED2005

Good point, Lichtman. . .


If you guys want to check http://www.mni.uwo.ca/discus, look for the post entitled "Going Nuts" under the MEDS2006 Admissions forum. If you don't believe my accounts of my interview experiences, you'll see a lot of my classmates went through the same thoughts themselves last year.

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Guest TimmyMax



Wow, UWOMED2005, you've really nailed the progression of thought of myself and a lot of other interviewees, I'm sure! :)

Of course, with your "thickvelope" comment pertaining to me on another thread (UWO Meds 2005 I think), while I totally appreciate the vote of confidence from you, you realize that I am now effectively jinxed. ;) Boo-urns.


Best of luck to you all and I'll see you next year when I inevitably have to reapply!



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Guest UWOMED2005

No worries, Timmymax. . . I was knocking on my wooden desk ('knock on wood') while throwing that comment down on the forum - so you'll be fine!


On that note - I couldn't help but notice you posting reviews of interviews at, what, OTHER SCHOOLS? You mean you applied to schools other than Western? Clare will be so disappointed.


Seriously, though - the general consensus of our class is that we met a lot of wicked people that we seriously hope make it into next year's class.


Good Luck


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Guest TimmyMax

Hey UWOMED2005,


Yeah, I guess I did apply to other schools- sorry to disappoint, but, you know, I've gotta max out my chances of getting in somewhere! (hanging head in shame) While UWO is my first choice, one thing I've learned is that there is no such thing as a sure thing, hence my apps elsewhere.

Yeah, there are some really awesome people out there applying to meds (and in meds as well!) and I'm glad I've had the opportunity to meet and mingle with you all!


Best of luck, all!


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Guest Lichtman

Timmy, don't be ashamed...better to have many interviews than just one, and not by choice, as was my case.

Luckily for me, western has a very unique GPA system which did not penalize me for my first year blunders! Thank god...now, I just wait, and pray that the rejection machine doesn't get me this time around!

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Guest From Ottawa

Ok I am going to commit to an answer I don't think I got in. I did not even bother answering the ethical dilemma, my answer was long winded and I rambled. Plus there a couple of other pretty dumb mistakes. So I guess I will check this post in two months and find out how right (or hopefully how wrong I am). ohhhh the wait

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Guest UWOMED2005

Hey Timmymax. . . just joshing you a bit. I fully wouldn't have expected you to only apply at Western, even if you had already come to the interview weekend and really liked the school. In fact, as for myself I didn't even know ANYTHING about Western when I applied. And it's not like us Western Meds 2005s are going to come hunting you down at next year's inter-med school events just because you didn't choose Western. . . then again, I can't speak for Clare. . . :)

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Guest TimmyMax



Well, I wasn't too worried about the getting hunted down by UWO Meds 2005 class members- if nothing else, I totally look forward to getting the chance to hang out with you guys at inter-med events, no matter which school I end up at! :)

But I guess there are exceptions to every rule (ie: Clare) so I may end up fearing for my life! *snicker!*


Take care and best of luck!



P.S.: Hey, she doesn't check this forum, does she? If so, Clare, I'm totally sorry- we're just having some fun with you! :)

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Guest UWOMED2005

If she does, I can always go back and delete all the messages. Actually, I'll run it by her just to make sure she's still talking to me.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest Surfacing

If it helps, just think of how my interview went... my faculty member yawned frequently during my interview. Although it was daylight savings weekend (i can see how a lot of sleep must have been lost), he just seemed generaly unimpressed with me no matter how hard i tried to be enthusiatic. As an added bonus, he got kind of defensive when i had the opportunity to ask my interviewers questions (a long story, trust me). I'm seriously hoping that this didn't leave a blemish on my interview, because uwo is definately THE school i would like to attend... so i've got my fingers crossed.


Until then i have 20 days to sit and wait...

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Guest TimmyMax

Hey Surfacing,


No worries! Have you read the UWO testamonials on the UWO Meds 2006 admission site? I think that from the sounds of it both Sumon and Alex W had interview experiences that made yours look (and sound) like a walk in the park. The bottom line is that many UWO Meds 2005 people got in with what they perceived as awful, horrible, there's-no-way-they're-letting-me-in-after-that-crap interview experiences- just ask any of the 2005ers that post there, namely Alex, Sumon and Rader. And then you can ask Rader about last night's game. Boo-yah! GO LEAFS GO!!! (Sorry buddy, had to get that dig in somewhere)


Best of luck!



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Guest medicator007

I'm a big habs fan, but now that my little moment is over.... Congratulations to the leafs on yet another gritty win.... I hope u guys take the cup

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Guest tommygirl

A REALLY bad interview: one of my friend interviewed last year and split the water he was drinking (*trying* to drink, if it were not for his spastic hand) on the committee member sitting closest to him.



No worries though-- he still got in. They will actually give you a bigger benefit of doubt for nerves than you think.


As for the HABS, all I can say is "you CANNOT be serious?!?" Chalk this one up along with 1991 NCAA Final: Duke vs. UNC in terms of wins that were just plain wrong.



Ahhhhh well-- you've got to be-LEAF!!

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