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Class of 2010

Guest DancingDoc

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Guest DancingDoc

Hi all,

I'm excited and bored so I figured I would start a thread so that all of us new 1T0s (or OT10s? ...which doesn't make sense but sounds cooler) can get to know each other a bit. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest try2dstress

Hey Dancing Doc

I just noticed your thread - sorry I missed it earlier. By the way, what kind of dance do you do? I'm also excited about starting and meeting everyone we'll be spending the next four years with! I feel like I'm starting high school again, do you remember what it was like to start grade 9? I can't wait for O-week (much like grade 9 camp at our school), excited/nervous about new classes, wonder what I'm going to wear on the first day :P


To get to know each other a bit better, maybe all the 1T0's should post where they're from, what they're up to this summer, and why they chose UT. I'll start...


I'm from about 40 minutes north of Toronto. I moved to the big city when I started undergrad at UT, and then moved out west to do grad school at U of Alberta. This summer I'm finishing up my Master's thesis (...have to defend in about a week), and after that's done I'm going on a road trip. After which I'll move all my stuff back to Ontario, take the CPR course, start looking for a place to live downtown and relax for the summer! I chose UT for many reasons, but mostly because I love the city and have great family and friends close by.

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Guest DancingDoc

Hi try2dstress,

For dancing- I love ballet, jazz & modern most.

I know what you mean about the high school bit... just a little bit more high end learning (just a tad more challenging I'd say, lol). I am so excited for O-week. I keep wondering what we'll be doing for it, I just want to get my registration package etc so I can find out more. I can't wait!


So about me: I'm from NB, but did my honours in neuroscience at Dal in NS. Graduated this week actually, yay! Got my CRP/first aid course lined up too (and the immunizations.... my fav:| . luckily I already have some from a previous trip). My major summer plans are going to Europe for a month and moving to Toronto. I chose Toronto for many reasons, majors ones being I love the curriculum, the wide range of opportunities Toronto offers, the chance to live in a big city, and of all the schools I interviewed Toronto was the most welcoming and seemed most suited to me. Can't wait to meet everyone during O-week!!

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest rugger48

hey guys,


i just finished my undergrad at u of t (4 years) and am currently doing diabetes research at the toronto general hospital. i'm originally sri lankan but lived most of my life in the middle east (abu dhabi, U.A.E.). i'm currently looking for a place to live downtown and may be searching for a roommate too. hopefully, i'll be seeing most of you come O-week.

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Guest cedar05

Hey guys,


I am from halifax and I graduated with an honours in neuroscience last year from Dalhousie. I spent the last year working at the Autism Research Centre in the IWK children's hospital and will be here until august. I choose UofT for several reasons but mostly for the opportunity that UofT and Toronto in general offer. I don't have any major plans for the summer just a few road trips here and there. I am very excited to meet everyone at O-week!

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Guest Wertt

Hi all,


I graduated from the neuroscience program at UofT in 2005, and have spent the last year in the states doing research. Will be leaving my fiancee behind to finish her PhD when I return to TO in August, so may not be as happy as some of you at O-week, but will try not to be a downer!

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Guest uOttawaBch

Hey all,


I just got back from my honeymoon in Jamaica (it was amazing!!! Didn't want to leave!).


I just finished my 3rd year at UOttawa in biochemistry (also have a degree in ComputerScience), and I'm also very excited to meet you all during O-week. It's been a crazy summer for me, with getting married and getting into med school...no big plans from now on in, just chillin' with my new wife, teaching physics at Kaplan, and also working part-time at Starbucks!


See you all soon!


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Guest DancingDoc

I cannot wait to get started and meet everyone!!!


Wertt, I did neuroscience too (but at Dal)!! It sucks that you have to leave your fiancee behind, but I am sure O-week will still be exciting for you :)


Have a great summer all

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Guest Bustylegs

Hi all:


It's great hearing all the stories from the Class of 2010!


Unfortunately, I deferred my admission for a year, so I won't be in the same class as all of you.


Nonetheless, here's a bit about me: I'm finishing off my PhD in Immunology at McMaster. I've been keeping myself very busy in the lab, trying to make the best of my year.


With any luck, I'll be done my PhD in May of next year. After that, I think I'll just take a break, tutor high school kids, travel a bit before I start school in September of 2007.


Hope to see you all next year.


p.s. For those that are wondering... I used to be a competitive cyclist, hence... bustylegs...



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Guest hydes79

Hello Class of 2010,


Sorry I'm also a little late to post here, but here it goes: My name is Hyder and I'm currently living in Kitchener. I finished my undergrad degree from U of Waterloo in Biomedical Sciences and I have been working as a research assistant since 2005. This summer I'm still working in research and volunteering at a local cancer centre, but I am planning to quit both jobs by the end of July and go for vacation. I'm looking forward to meeting all of you in the O-week,



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Guest h2dizza


I'm not going to this school, but I saw hyder's name pop up and just wanted to say Hi...


Congrats Hyder! and best of luck.

I'll be at U of Sask next year.



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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest rugger48


how many people here actually did their undergrad at U of T. i'm just trying to gauge how many familiar faces i might be seeing at O-week. so if you did your undergrad here, mention what college you were with, what your subject POSt was and any other interesting details about yourself.


i'll start with the basics:


New College alumnus

(lived in Wilson Hall for 4 years)


Double major in physiology and math with a minor in sociology



also, if you happened to do grad school here, mention that as well.

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Guest no wai

Hey rugger, I think we met at the first aid course at the AC but I did my undergrad at UT as well.


Trin, LMP, and damn, what a boring first aid class.

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Guest the man

Hi, my name is Dave. I went to UofT for undergrad (Innis College) and did a Biology Major with minors in Psych and Physio. Just kind of relaxing this summer, working part-time coaching dragonboat and working for a program at the Uni. I will see you guys for the Monday of O week, but I am missing the rest because I need to go out to Saskatchewan for the week.

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