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What chance do I have?

Guest mficocel

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Guest mficocel



I just calculated my AMCAS GPA and I have an undergrad GPA of 3.51, a grad GPA of 3.71 and a science GPA of 3.65. I still need to complete some of the pre-req. courses but assuming the rest of my application is strong (lots of volunteer work, I have a Ph.D. in engineering with publications etc.) what kind of MCAT score would I need to be considered at some of the top 30 schools ? or am I totally out of the running for schools like Columbia and Cornell ? I'm mainly interested in the New York schools (Mount Sinia, Einstien, etc).




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Guest Scottish Chap

No....just score at least 27 (with no less than 8 in any section) and, assuming you have relevant medical experience and a compelling application essay, I almost gaurantee you'll get some interviews if you apply widely enough. Good luck!

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Guest Scottish Chap

It could have easily been me making that original post. I've navigated this path and I stand by my statement. With a Ph.D., you have a massive advantage in the U.S., I promise you. The so-called top 30 schools are such because they are research-driven. The MCAT needs to be acceptable only. Respectfully, the score you quoted is misleading.

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Guest Doctor Citan

It's always a good idea to target the best MCAT scores possible. But with your grades, I say get above 29. As long as you have experience, you have a good shot at getting an interview at a number of US med schools.


Good luck. :)

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