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Hello Everyone,

Great board, long time reader but first time asking a question. I had a few questions for perhaps someone who had taken the Chem Pre-Reqs at UBC. I did very well in high school chemistry, but very poorly in high-school math. I had given up on medicine but after some good overall marks in first year I am reconsidering medicine. I am afraid, however, of getting very poor marks in the Chem pre reqs. Would you recommend I take some time and re-do grade12 math and calculus, or is a sound background in math not necessary to do well.



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Hello there - for what it's worth, I didn't so that well in first year calculus (I got B's for both calculus courses that I took) but did well in first year chem (over 90). I don't think you need a very sound background, but a few terms you should understand and be able to apply to chemistry.

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got C's in first year calc. and A's in all my first year, second year O-chem, and a fourth year chem class too. Don't think you need to understand calc to do well in chem (for the chem courses i took anyways)


Did you take physical chem? I think at my school, you need Calc 2 in order to take physical chem.

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