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Essay & NAQs

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Hi Guys,

I was rejected after being waitlisted, and during my feedback session I was told that my Essay didn't show enough passion for why do I want to be a doctor. However before applying I had my essay read and edited from UBC Medicine Faculty members, couple of 1st and 2nd year students, my graduate supervisor and Everyone had commended my essay. So I don't think I got an accurate feedback, as couple of my other friends also got the same answer.

Is there someone out there who can read my essa and give me their comments how I could change.


Also for NAQs are there cetain keywords that UBC looks for, because scored lower this year than 3 years ago although I had done more activities in the past three years.

I have started to fill out my application again and I would appreciate any help I can get...

Thanks Guys

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Great idea. Maybe I'll ask around :) Persistent and dr_nomis will be interested I am sure hehe


It's not THAT elusive IMHO... as I posted before 40% of the 2009 class got in their first try... I think the principle is just ask for as much help as possible on everything but have an unique approach as your "foundation"... yeah kind of paradoxical I guess but it is not like an exam that you could just study for.

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Well...as an OOP vying for one of those 9 spots I believe, it can be tough hearing all these horror stories of people rejected for these weird reasons. Now I've heard about a number of these and I've tried to ensure I don't run into any of this trouble because UBC is a serious option for (definitely one of my top choices) but its soooooooooooooooooooooo hard. Whatever, just gotta do what I gotta do.

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Hi Guys,

I was rejected after being waitlisted, and during my feedback session I was told that my Essay didn't show enough passion for why do I want to be a doctor. However before applying I had my essay read and edited from UBC Medicine Faculty members, couple of 1st and 2nd year students, my graduate supervisor and Everyone had commended my essay. So I don't think I got an accurate feedback, as couple of my other friends also got the same answer.


Maybe when you ask people for help this time, you could ask them specifically about whether you "showed passion" and how you could change it. I think people are better at giving you advice when they have a specific problem to address. Also, they feel less bad about "hurting you" if you tell them, "I have this problem and I was wondering if you have suggestions about it."


Also for NAQs are there cetain keywords that UBC looks for, because scored lower this year than 3 years ago although I had done more activities in the past three years.


I think your NAQ score depends a bit on luck, lol. But anyways, I wonder whether having more activities is not necessarily a good thing. Perhaps you should list all your non-academic activities (I'm assuming it's more than 3 pages worth) and be very critical, cutting the ones you don't think add to your application. By that, I mean, think about whether it tells them why you'd be a good physician or something significant about who you are as a person. If not, then simply having more activities might not be useful. Sometimes when you have a lot of activities in one area, it de-focuses the person reading your application from the activities that are important in other areas.

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