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Does the admission committee call your past employers?

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Does anyone know if the admission committee actually call your past employers? I had an employer whom I had some diagreements with and if the committe were to call him I'm not sure if he'll say some unfavourable things about me. If they do call do they just confirm the hours or do they ask questions about me?

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If you are accepted for an interview, UBC sends out an e-mail to some of your listed verifiers similar to the following (I believe they contact 2 verifiers):



Dear [Verifier Name]:


As part of the application process to our MD Undergraduate Program, we verify the information provided by the applicants. [Applicant Name] has provided your contact information in [his/her] application to the medical program at UBC. With this, please confirm that he has worked [#] hours between the dates: [start date - end date], with [organization name], as a [position title], where [he/she] [entire list of applicant's claimed activities].


Please provide further information concerning [his/her] involvement with your [organization].


In order to continue proceeding with the processing of this applicant’s file, we do require your response to this email, as soon a possible.


Thank you,


[Clerk Name], Admissions Clerk



Though I'm not sure if this is the case for your employment verifiers, activity verifiers don't necessarily need to be your direct supervisor of the activity. You only need someone who can answer "yes, the applicant did do that at this place." Perhaps you can find someone else in the organization (a manager, a coworker) who might respond more positively to a query similar to the one above.

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Thanks a lot Dr.Nomis that was very helpful!! I've decided not to apply this year though because I don't feel like I am ready at all. My grades are not that good, I've only done about 5 or 6 ECs, nothing good about my application at all and I don't think I would get an interview even if I applied. I will work much much harder this year both at school and at increasing my activities and apply next year so I'll at least be more confident about getting an interview.

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And blues, I feel my application isn't the hottest either + I don't know my MCAT scores yet, but I figured at least the experience will be useful...so I might as well apply...if I can complete it before the deadline, that is :D

Everybody plz try to submit your applications early so that the system isn't overloaded at 4:29 pm on the 7th when I finally submit mine :D


Edit: Oops I asked a question in the wrong thread, what was I thinking?

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