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Med Scholarships

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I had a few questions about med scholarships if anyone is able to answer please. (by the way, i'm starting first year med this monday)

1. When are the faculty recommended scholarships typically awarded?

2. after 1st year, how does the faculty recommend students for scholarships given the H/P/F system (eg. if 100 people get Honours, which ones get scholarships? Or do they look at the percentage that you got in the classes?)


Any help would be much appreciated!!!

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There's an entrance scholarship that you get awarded at the beginning of the school year. As for the rest, you won't find out about them until the end of the year.

As for your second question, I have no idea. But, from what I've heard, scholarships have been cut back quite a bit ever since the class size increased. There're some guys who got a lot of money, but I think they're the ones who have pretty much straight H's.

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Hi there.


UBC has a good bursary program, if you are a poor, single student :rolleyes: They look at the "unmet need" on your student loan form. Therefore, if you don't qualify for student loans, or don't have a lot of unmet need because of a spouse income or loans from another province where you get more loan money that BC, then the bursaries are less helpful/unavailable. I have several friends who have received a large chunk of cash though... I think this comes out in december?


You find out about course specific awards a while after the end of each term, I believe. I think most courses have a small monetary "prize" for the top student in the block, but I can't be sure - there must be a list of academic awards somewhere!


To address your other query - You won't get 100 people with honours in one course since it is only the top 15% (well, specifically 1 SD above the mean plus a P in PBL) that are awarded honours. For the exact information, check out your policies and procedures manual... you likely already have one, and you get a new one each year. It tells you how you are assessed for H/P/F etc.


Hope this was helpful!


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