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Best MCAT-prep course?


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kevinkwon84, it really depends on what you are looking for in a prep course. Also, you should think about whether you even need a prep course. Princeton meets considerably more often than Kaplan (4 times a week versus 2 times a week). Also, I've heard the strengths of certain programs are a bit different. From word of mouth, the science in Kaplan is better than Princeton, but the verbal and essay preparation is better in Princeton. I took Kaplan and I can tell you that the PS is much harder in Kaplan than the real MCAT and the BS is a little bit harder. So, it really depends. Aside from those factors, it also depends on which works best for you.


When I was studying, I chose to go with Kaplan because they meet twice a week knowing I wouldn't be able to handle the four times a week demanded by Princeton. Upon retrospect, I think it would have been better for me to just follow the ExamKrackers 10-week prep schedule (independant studying) because I did the best studying and learning on my own. However, I can't completely deny the utility that Kaplan provided. My MCAT teacher performed extremely well on the MCAT and he would often provide us with these little bits of advice that I tried to hold on to. They were typically test-taking strategies that were quite helpful. The MCAT is more than just learning a bunch of stuff and answering questions about it; it is a lot of synthesis and application of theoretical knowledge in a new and often unfamiliar situation. The test taking skills required to tackle these type of questions is something that is often picked up with practice (or engrained in some already) is something no taught in the prep courses.


I suggest you check out all the different companies, ask a bunch of questions, and investigate yourself to determine which is best for you and if you even need a prep course. Its going to be around $1500 you have to dish out so you want to make sure it is spent well.


NOTE: I didn't mention anything about the Gold Standard because I essentially know nothing about it. Try http://www.studentdoctor.net/forums in the MCAT forums for more information on this issue.


Here's a good link I was looking at: http://forums.studentdoctor.net/showthread.php?t=351463

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Above post is excellent.


I took the Princeton Review, and like Kuantum, I can say that its materials are also more challenging than the MCAT, although much easier than Kaplan (I wrote some Kaplan practice tests and they were ridiculously hard).

The material is the same in most classes, and thus the classes don't really help too much with this imho. But, most organized classes also have mock MCATs. These are very useful. They teach you how to time manage, and give some indication on what strategy you should use come test day.


Thus, no matter what course you choose (not) to take, make sure you do some mock tests on your own. I took a week off work prior to the MCAT and did one old AAMC exam every day. If you have the basics down, then I feel this is really key.

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