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taking English courses to improve my WS


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I have came to conclusion that neither KAPLAN nor PRINCETON REVIEW will do much to improve WS score (according to what my seniors have said). So I've decided to take some English courses this summer to excercise my writing skill. I'm thinking of taking LIN203 (a course which you memorize bunch of vocabs), LIN204 (English grammar), and ENG100 (Effective writing). It may sound like an overkill to take all these courses at the same time, but I kind of lack in all of them. Could you people please give me some suggestions? Do you think taking only a writing course is more than enough? I would really appreciate it if you guys can help me out :)


THNX in advance

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Hi there,


Taking UofT English courses (especially if your first language is something else) can be helpful. However, a big part of gaining a good score in the MCAT Writing Sample section is practicing the model of writing that the MCAT folks mark highly. That is, not only are they looking for a rich vocabulary, but also, that you can formulate and defend an argument and that you can do so in the confines of the WS structure. So I'd spend a good deal of time also working on the latter items.




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Although a writing course is certainly beneficial, I'd focus more on current events. I think you'd get a stronger essay mark if you have an excellent example and mediocre writing, vs. a weak example and good writing. (Assume both have equal form)

There is a lot of freedom when it comes to the essays. You can define terms in the prompt however you wish.


Out of those courses you mentioned, I think ENG100 would be best. But as mentioned above, if you look up old prompts (or make up your own), and write maybe 2-3 essays a week (to ensure proper form), and keep up with current events (for good examples), you're set.

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I only scored a Q...but there are better ways to do well in the WS than taking an english course.


Just respond to the prompts according to the formula

Keep a blog

Practice old prompts

Keep up to date w. current events


I didn't keep a blog, but I did write on forums pretty often. I think this is also a good way. However, I think most importantly is sticking to the instructions. I got an S.

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