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Called Admissions II


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I called admissions again to ask if there was a SET TIME that the decisions would be released. Anyway, what they told me was they didn't know themselves what time they'll release them, but it would be before 5 pm tomorrow. Just wanted to let you guys know in case you were deciding to wait all night long... it could come out midday tomorrow.



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no one said anything about decisions being released at midnight. i think someone in my program asked last year and was given the "before 5 pm" line as well. I think most people checked at midnight because this is what happened the year before. maybe one of the OOPs can comment on if decisions were released for their cohort of applicants this year at midnight.

whom did you speak with at the office. if you spoke with the receptionist, i believe her name is mariajna, she doesn't seem to be informed on all that is going on. I distinctly remember asking her questins last year and she never seemed sure of what she was saying or often gave me misleading information. either its because the admissions committeewas new last year ( the committee used to be run by Dr. Beck with different staff) or because no one told her. unless you heard it from michel or france dolet and if things didn't change from last year, check your minerva at midnight because most likely it will change to reflect admitted with condition/waitlist

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LOL.. I have a term paper due as well tomorrow... And yet all i see myself doing is pressing REFRESH!.


I'm not sure who i spoke with... though it DID sound like Marianja.. I called the phone number on the mcgill website... so maybe it was her.

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