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Post Interview selection

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Hey there.

Hope the stress of waiting is not killing all of you who are waiting to hear if you got in.

I was wondering, does anyone know what the selection breakdown is for people who got an interview? I read somewhere that it's 50% interview, 40% academic, and 10% MCAT and references. Does anyone know for sure?

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the wait is definitely a torture, a pain that hits me every now and then, at an increasing frequency too! :mad:


i thought that post interview is 50%interview, 25%academic 25%non-academic, references only as flags, and MCAT as flags and for deciding between 2 applicants with same scores.


do they simply add up scores and just pick applicants with the top ~215 scores?

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Can some please explain to me what is an mcat flag...that is what score. If you have this score does this mean acceptance is completely out of the question or can you make up for it with other parts of your application such as with good grades or amzing extra curriculars?

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I've heard a couple things. I have heard that anything at an 8 is a flag and may warrant a rejection. However, people have said, at some point or another (on this forum too i believe) that they have heard of people with 7s and 6s gaining admission. Those are rare situations it seems, though.

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Why would they bother interviewing people whose MCAT score would automatically warrant a rejection? My MCAT scores are not the best. But I remember them saying at an info session way back that if you have a low MCAT score they'll also look at your pre-reqs. At least my pre-req marks are ok.... Sometimes I feel like the waiting is going to make me crazy.

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Hey there...

50% interview. 25 marks and 25 CV...

(thought it used to 50, 20, 20, and 5 for references and 5 for mcat)

The MCAT and References are used to decide "tie-breakers". If you get a horrible reference - thats not good... So really, if your refernces are fine - then it is all fine.

The flags for low MCAT and such are just that, flags. Anything below an 8 is a "flag". However, there is no need to worry about these "flags" that much. I have a friend that got in with 7 7 7... and another that had a 6 _ _?. Both a few years ago, but hey - 7 7 7...

I think that an M may be flagged - not sure though???

But by no means does a "flag" produce a rejection!

With respect to the different sites. You get accepted as one of the 256 first - then they decide with your "rural score" and your site rankings where you go. It is all one committee.





"Why would they bother interviewing people whose MCAT score would automatically warrant a rejection?"


Exactly - that is why it is not a preinterview cut off - it is not that important!

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Thanks Dwayner.


I keep trying to 'figure out' if I have a chance of getting in or not. But really there's nothing to do but wait and see... Life still has the potential to be good if I don't get in this year.


Take care.

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