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Moving your family?

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Hey there,


I live in Vancouver and put that down as my first choice, Victoria as my second, and PG as my third. I have a family though, a three year old son, and I'm wondering what it would be like to have to move to Victoria or PG for the end of August. Anyone out there with any insights into that? Is it really hard to find day care in Victoria and PG? How about housing? Getting into med school would be fantastic, but it's only one step. We all have to also get through med school.

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Well, some people in my class had their family move out in August so the kids were ready to start the school year with their peers, where as others did not move the family until after Dec exams, since everyone spends the first few months together. As far as I know, the majority of the 4th year students from PG will be spending their 4th year in Vancouver (or around the country) doing various electives so that important to keep in mind too.


Many people in PG bought houses... prices are way better up north! No idea about day care as I don't have kids... sorry!


Good luck!

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There is a daycare/preschool on site at PG campus. I put my youngest on the w/l there already. I think there are many "family daycare" options near all sites that probably have more reasonable w/lists than the programs actually "on site" at the university. At least you don't have to worry about school yet. That is good. My eldest is starting kindergarten in September and there seems to be w/l involved with this too. It is a bit overwhelming but you should probably start looking into daycare options/preschools now, by going to each med site web links and following through from there. I started my search a couple of months ago, but gave up until we find out if we are in or not, and which site we will be at. For me, it was too overwhelming and too much work, until I actually know I have to do it. Lazy of me...

good luck!

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Yeah, I'm finding it hard to get organized or plan anything beyond the basics right now... until I find out. I can't imagine what it was like for people who were waitlisted all summer. Yikes.

Thanks for your input.

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