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UBC English Exemption Exam

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Has anyone recently written the UBC English exemption exam? How was it? Any tips? I'm not worried about the essay piece, but I'm quaking in my boots just thinking about analyzing poetry! It's been a mighty long time since I've done something like that. :eek:

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I took it too (in April)...

(the poetry part)...and yes, the dog pooping did happen. My dad actually seemed to know the poem when I told him about it after. It was written by some Italian guy. I just read over some of the reference texts that the English dept recommended so that I knew the lit "lingo"...

eg) Iambic pentametres, tone, symbollism, imagery and metaphors etc...

You will do just fine:)

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couls som1 elaborate on this option plz is it for bc residents only?




The EET is an option for students applying to UBC who are UBC alumni, or have completed a degree elsewhere, but for whatever reason have not taken the usual first year English courses. You can write the exam, and if you pass, you do not have to take the English credits that are pre-req's to UBC med school. If you fail all of it or part of it, you must take the course(s) prior to applying.

You can look it up on the UBC website under the English department, or on the admissions page of the Faculty of Medicine.

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Dr.Cave, you must have a good remote memory. Have you moved to Calgary yet? do you have a place? hope the move goes smoothly! I'm packing right now...I hate it!


Hi gonnabedoc (you're in so you should change your moniker),


Yeah We're in Calgary now. We found a place but move in next week. Thinks are going well so far. How bout you?

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The EET was awful. I only took the poetry portion and since I hadn't looked at poetry critically for 13 years I brushed up by going to a few websites. I walked out of there thinking that I failed the exam. I wrote 6 pages of absolute BS that was barely readable. The UBC adcom told me before I registered for the exam that she hadn't heard of anyone who failed, I was sure I was the first after the exam!


Somehow I passed which makes me believe the exam is just a hoop to just through and covers the adcom's butt for prereq's.


It gave me undue stress for a month.



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Why did you write the EET yesterday?????????


It wasnt a hard exercise, you just needed to say everything you know about poetry in an essay and make it connect to the poem. If anyone needs help for next years, I would be more than willing to let you know how I prepped.




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I wrote the EET on Monday because the Faculty of Medicine has changed its policy on admissions, and now all pre-req courses must be finished before applying. I intend to apply next summer, so I needed to write the EET in enough time to allow for taking English, in case I failed (the dog poo poem!).

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