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Hi Everyone,


I am just wondering what score on the MCAT would cause you to be "red flagged" by UBC. I know the MCAT does not come into play prior to the interview, however, I am wondering what the minimum score is for acceptance after the interview.



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I don't think there is a strict minimum score. People have been accepted with 7s and 8s. I heard at the UBC info session that the adcom is more forgiving if you have good marks to compensate for a low mcat score. ie: if you got a 7 on physical sciences, but got 90 in 1st year physics.

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I had some low science pre-req marks from my first two years and 8's on my MCAT in BS and PS and they suggested I re-write to get them up to compensate - I rewrote and got 9 and 11 and I guess they thought it was fine.

I've heard of people getting in with 7's and 8's yes, as long as they compensated in other areas.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i have been told ubc doesn't really use mcat to a great extent. It could be used as a tie breaker in deciding between applicants (but i am not too sure if this is true or not)

also, if you have anything lower than 7 you get flagged but i have heard ppl with scores of 26 admitted to the program

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