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The Hierarchy of International Med Schools

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Well, I've gone all the way back to 2004 posts, but I think it seems very vague about what is the best direction to head in if you don't get into Canada or the US.


Some threads seem to conclude that the Carribean is the best bet for coming back to Canada. I read a CMAJ article that says that the Carribean's educational quality is under scrutiny. In other threads, it seems that Ireland may be the best option for returning.


I'm going to call the Canadian Information Centre for International Medical Graduates to shed some light, but if anyone has some straightforward insight, please post it here.



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As far as I can tell, it has to do with networking and doing well on your USMLE. The Caribbean schools tend to excel for US placements for the following 2 reasons:


1) They specifically prepare their students for the USMLE, and

2) They often have deals with US schools where the students come in 3rd and 4th year (ie. networking).


Other than that, some of the Caribbean schools have been under scrutiny, so be careful which ones you're looking at.


The bottom line is that Ireland, Australia and the Caribbean all pick up students who weren't able to get into med school in North America. I'm going to the UK, but they don't really cater that much to internationals (ie. few spots and high gpa cutoffs for international students). Had I known about all the other options, I probably would have spread my apps out a bit. As it was, I didn't even apply anywhere in the US.


I'm currently living in the States and have friends from Europe who have come over here to do their residency (good ones, like neurology), but they studied and did well on their USMLE and were put in contact with people here.


The bottom line is probably look at the school you're going to.

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really? more accepted in canada? i always thought its the board exam scores, reference letters and the interview that counts in residency matching


well for the UK, they have international quota for each school as well... so you'll also be competing for spots with people who didn't get into schools in their own country. this is true whenever you compete in the international pool.

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Yes, but the international quota is often exceptionally low for the UK schools. The Irish and Australian schools have a much larger international student quota.


Many of the people you're competing with for the spots are also not people who couldn't get into med school in their own country. Some are from places like India and Pakistan who would just prefer to have a UK medical degree. I'm not sure if that's the same with the Irish and Australian schools.

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Whatever you do, I can honestly say that you should stay away from the HOPE funded schools in Poland, etc.. There are massive fee's and taxes on the back end that seriously outweigh the option of just bust out some good years at home and getting in to a north american school.

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