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A few bad marks

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hi I'm asking this question for my wife.


She has a few bad marks from her undergrad - 5 C's to be exact.

I think she has one per year, and two in her second year.


The rest of her marks (45 half term courses) are A's or B's, with an overall average of 78%


Do you think she stands a chance for UBC admissions?

She's an in province student

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Depending on what your wife has done outside the classroom, that is life experience, etra curriculars, MCAT score...I think she definitely should apply. I think one of UBCs best attributes is they look beyond just grades.


Tell her to do a kick ass job on her application and hey you might get some good news (an acceptance) come next May.


All the best

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what is her last 60 credits average?

IF she has strong non-academics she can make up for a slightly lower average. Remember, pre-interview UBC ADCOM weighs non-academic out of 25 and academics out of 25. If her last 60 is 85 plus and her overall is 78, she could get a score of around 20 on AQ (i am purely guessing based on other scores with those averages). In order to get the interview, you have to get an overall score of around 36 (which varies year to year but is usually around 36) with AQ and NAQ combined.

If her extra-curricular list is strong, she has a good shot.

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When I got rejected post-interview in 2006 my Overall GPA was 77% and my last 60 was over 85% and they gave me an AQ score of 19.6 - so if you are needing around 37 to get the interview then getting 17 on the NAQ is what she should aim for and it's definetly not out of the question.


She would then have to shine in the interview and all would be good. I had a couple of C's and a D in my first year, but like they said UBC often looks beyond the grades. One note I had on my feedback sheet back then was that I had an "upward trend in marks" - so they can read between the marks and see your progression.

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