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They do not contact all the verifiers (not very many in fact) - they kind of pick and choose who they want to - a couple of years ago they contacted one of my verifiers and there was an hours discrepency - I got an email from UBC asking if I could explain - I did and there was no problem - so as long as your honest and put a verifier for each activity you shouldn't be worried.

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a couple of years ago they contacted one of my verifiers and there was an hours discrepency - I got an email from UBC asking if I could explain - I did and there was no problem - so as long as your honest and put a verifier for each activity you shouldn't be worried.


This is interesting. It's kind of tricky when you put say a soccer coach as a verifier. He could definitely verify that you played, but he would have no idea how many hours, even though he was there. For things like that I have been estimating the best I can but I could be way off, and my verifier would probably come up with a different number of hours even though both are probably logical estimates. How are others going about this type of activity wrt hours and verifiers.

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For activities like that they will probably not contact your verifiers, and if they by chance do then they will understand that it can be really relative. They are more likely to contact verifiers from activities that involved organizations that usually count volunteer hours (i.e. hospital, first aid volunteer), or phone a person to see if you were really involved in it at all - don't sweat the small stuff!- and remember they should give you a chance to explain yourself if there is a problem.

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One of my verifiers that was contacted was a swim coach, and he hardly remembered me since I had stopped swimming for the team in 1999. I sort of doubt he gave the same number of hours I had calculated for 2.5 years of swimming, but UBC never contacted me again regarding this, and I was still accepted.

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