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Queen's AMCAS GPA conversion


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I'm already verified and complete at all the schools I applied to. At this point, it's way too late and likely will not make much of a difference with my application.


Ahh well.


There shouldn't be a huge GPA discrepancy regardless...mine was barely different. But if you think it's a problem and you request AMCAS to change it, they will and they will send the changed version to all the schools again. When it was done to my (due to input mistakes) they schools got my changed application within two weeks and had all their info updated pretty much the same day.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Hi, I know it's too late to ask AMCAS to convert my marks to letter grades (or is it?) but I was just wondering if anyone knew exactly how they convert Queen's marks into GPA's if they are shown as numbers. Will it be different than there conversion for letters? Is it the one that someone else posted 87-100 = 4.0, 80-86=3.7 and etc.? Man I wish AMCAS had kept my letter grades....

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Hi, I know it's too late to ask AMCAS to convert my marks to letter grades (or is it?) but I was just wondering if anyone knew exactly how they convert Queen's marks into GPA's if they are shown as numbers. Will it be different than there conversion for letters? Is it the one that someone else posted 87-100 = 4.0, 80-86=3.7 and etc.? Man I wish AMCAS had kept my letter grades....


This seems to be an ongoing discussion. The conversion for Queen's is different depending on whether you have entered letters or numbers (the numbers are less forgiving). This being said, I have entered letters and AMCAS kept the letter grades, but some people have used letters and AMCAS changed those to numbers. There doesn't seem to be rhyme or reason as to why they change some transcripts and not others.


If you ask AMCAS right now to convert your marks to letter grades (presuming they agree to it) it would take at least two weeks for them to do it (mb more).

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  • 2 weeks later...
If you only have letters or percentages than nothing happens. You get a direct conversion from your marks. It seems to be weird only for schools (like Queen's) that have letter grades along with percentages on the transcripts.


tan you said there was a negligible difference as to which way they did it? maybe if there is a huge discrepancy, they will change it back? who knows

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Perhaps...it's very hard to say. But if you don't agree with the way they have entered your marks, I would definitely contact them about it. I mean, the worst thing that'll happen is them ignoring your request. You're not losing anything by trying to get them to change the grades from percentages to letter grades.

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