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Autiobiog Essay and 7500 character limit

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So I've been playing with my essay and trying to finalize it. But it's really weird: even if you have a lot more than 7500 characters, the preview application option has all the text in there. The admissions office told me that if you can see the text in the preview page, then it'll be included. Any thoughts on this discrepency?!?


Also, My essay is 2 pages in word, 12 point font, times new font. It all fits in 2 pages but it's 7650 characters. Again he admission office told me to make sure it's less than 2 pgs and it'll be fine. Anybody else in the same scenario?



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One more issue I'm having with the essay; the instructions say: You will receive an error message if your essay is longer than the allotted number of characters.


This is not the case for me...anybody else?? I'm a bit frustrated with this since there isn't a character counter as there is in the majority of the application. And I would hate it if the last sentence gets cut-off.

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DO NOT go over the 7500 characters. They will cut the rest of your essay off. It is better and well worth it for you to cut it down and show them that you can follow instructions. Also, i noticed that once i started cutting things down the essay was much better, more concise, more to the point and stronger.

Sorry, If you can't paste it on there, you will have to type it all out. Frustrating, I know.

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I just wandered here from the dent forums and this thread caught my eye. Jeez...7500 characters...you med applicants are lucky. I'm applying to UBC dent and we get a 400 and 500 word limit for 2 essays, which works out to around ~5000 characters total. I'd kill for that extra 2500.

Making tough cuts and revising things is starting to get a little old for me. Anyways, good luck to everyone with essay finalization.



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