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Late apps?


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Because of busy schedules during term one and a hectic summer, I wasn't able to submit my secondaries for some schools until Nov/Dec. Because I finished my app so late, what are my chances??? :( I applied to mostly middle/low tier schools esp because it sounds like most people already have interviews (will they even get a chance to look at my file? yikes!!)

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thanks for the reply. yup they're complete but i definitely did maximize on the deadlines that the schools have specified. i'm just hoping they at least read the app considering all the ones they've had to read so far/filled spots in the class already *crosses fingers*

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  • 3 weeks later...
Because of busy schedules during term one and a hectic summer, I wasn't able to submit my secondaries for some schools until Nov/Dec. MCAT9/9/12S, GPA 3.85, strong ECs and pretty strong LORs (including a major charity CEO). But because I finished my app so late, what are my chances??? :( I applied to mostly middle/low tier schools esp because it sounds like most people already have interviews (will they even get a chance to look at my file? yikes!!)


hey meddy,

I just wanted to tell you that I am in the EXACT same situation as you are. I have very similar stats as you (10/10/10/S, and GPA around 3.8, strong ECs and ref letters). I also applied in November and December because I wanted to put my effort into Canadian schools first. I have already recieved 3 rejections, but have not heard from other schools. I'm still wondering what my chances are, and I'm afraid that they are probably slim!!! I'm not sure if you are still checking this thread, but if you are, maybe we can communicate back and forth when we hear from schools (good or bad news). This might be helpful! Hope to hear from you soon.

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I am so dubious about sending letters of interest. I know it is common practice in the US, but it is sort of against what I believe in. I think this should be a fair competition based on specified criteria, not based on how much time people can commit to writing letters, or how far people can stick their noses up the admissions officer's buts. I don't really see how admissions officers can take these letters seriously...don't they know that people are desperate to get into med school and will do/say anything to get in? They can't actually think that these letters are sincere, because the majority are probably not. I think the LOI thing is lame and too subjective. Also, if there is something about your love for the school that you really want to express to the admissions committee, then you should put it in your application essays! If you think you would be really good for a particular school, then write it in the application essays! Nothing more should be necessary.


That being said, I think it is hard to stand your ground in this type of situation, when a letter might actually be your saving grace. I'm torn...


Any comments?

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I am so dubious about sending letters of interest. I know it is common practice in the US, but it is sort of against what I believe in. I think this should be a fair competition based on specified criteria, not based on how much time people can commit to writing letters, or how far people can stick their noses up the admissions officer's buts. I don't really see how admissions officers can take these letters seriously...don't they know that people are desperate to get into med school and will do/say anything to get in? They can't actually think that these letters are sincere, because the majority are probably not. I think the LOI thing is lame and too subjective. Also, if there is something about your love for the school that you really want to express to the admissions committee, then you should put it in your application essays! If you think you would be really good for a particular school, then write it in the application essays! Nothing more should be necessary.


That being said, I think it is hard to stand your ground in this type of situation, when a letter might actually be your saving grace. I'm torn...


Any comments?


The US system isn't like the Canadian system. "Fit" is a huge worry in the States and schools expect many applicants might have multiple acceptances. Schools want to know applicants have an actual interest in attending their school and one way of judging that is through LOIs.


As an example: I had been complete at UVM for a long time but hadn't heard anything. I was "in the neighbourhood" for another school and shot off a quick letter to them. Lo and behold, 12 hours letter I was granted an interview (which i unfortunately had to turn down).


It doesn't hurt. The only thing you lose is possibly your time.

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hey cobey! sounds like a good idea. i've heard back from gtown (rejection) but nothing else.


hm for LOIs, i was tempted at first but at this point of the semester, in addition to not having a lot of extra free time, i'm not sure how much substance that i can add to a LOI. i picked up a couple of scholarships recently but as to tailor it specifically to a school, i don't have any keen observations about the school since i haven't visited yet...



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I agree with you about the LOIs. I don't think I will write any either, mainly because the idea of them gets on my nerves!


Anyways, I'll keep you updated, and I look forward to hearing any updates on your end. Here's to hoping that we have a shot in the US! Cheers

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LOInterest has been throughly discussed on SDN, so if you haven't, check it out.


I got accepted to a school that I didn't write a LOI for, and waitlisted at a school that I wrote this IMO pretty convincing Letter of Intent for.


Their impact is debatable, but it can only hurt you if you are a terrible writer.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So you're supposed to hand in your applicaton before they even accept it??Do clarify--!


Got an interview invite for CMS in March! Which has made me rethink the whole "get it in early" mentality. Though it might work in many circumstances, it appears that people who completed months earlier than I did just got interview invites at the same time that I did. I don't know what their stats/applications are like but seriously, if there are schools you're waiting on that are still having interviews, there's still a chance Cobey!!! (and you must have heard back from all the Cdn schools by now?? Like yourself, Canada is still my focus)


(And before anyone smirks about CMS, it's still a possibility of med school and check out the thousands of others who've applied there too! :P)

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So you're supposed to hand in your applicaton before they even accept it??Do clarify--!


Got an interview invite for CMS in March! Which has made me rethink the whole "get it in early" mentality. Though it might work in many circumstances, it appears that people who completed months earlier than I did just got interview invites at the same time that I did. I don't know what their stats/applications are like but seriously, if there are schools you're waiting on that are still having interviews, there's still a chance Cobey!!! (and you must have heard back from all the Cdn schools by now?? Like yourself, Canada is still my focus)


(And before anyone smirks about CMS, it's still a possibility of med school and check out the thousands of others who've applied there too! :P)


The few thousand neurotic premeds on SDN would disagree with you. Sure it's possible to be complete at schools in late November and still land an interview, but your chances are diminished.

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