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UofT people how did you fulfill your gen chem requirement???


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If your from UofT I'm sure your pretty aware of this problem.

How did you get pass this problem for applying to American schools??


For other people here is the situation for UofT people.

Our school has a 1year gen chemistry which is CHM139+CHM220 so its two half year courses taken. The problem is CHM139 only has a lab and CHM220 doesnt have a lab in other words I'm short of half a semester of lab.


I'm sure many people would have gone through this problem somehow.

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I checked old threads but there werent ideal solutions.

Problem with the UTSC chemistry is that I took CHM139 which prohibits me from taking the UTSC CHMA10 & CHMA11....Pretty dumb eh?

I think the best solution is to go to another school and do a summer there like york or ryerson.


Do med schools care if you did like a first year gen chem in the summer at your third year?

And is there any summer schools for gen chem with a lab at york or ryerson? I checked there website but nothing is on about summer school.

And finally does UofT care if I did a first year gen chem at another school in the summer even though I did it at UofT in 1st year?

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If you want to be safe - you will cannot take CHM220H, you'll have to take the UTSC or UTM equivalent where they have a lab component if you want to apply to each and every possible US school.


I did take CHM220 and was *eligible* to apply to about 16 schools last year.


You just contact them, explain your case, and they'll waive it.

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i dont think schools care when/where you complete the prereqs, just as long as they are done before you start med school.


you should check with the schools you're interested in to see if the courses you decide to do will be accepted as fulfilling the requirements.

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If you want to be safe - you will cannot take CHM220H, you'll have to take the UTSC or UTM equivalent where they have a lab component if you want to apply to each and every possible US school.


I did take CHM220 and was *eligible* to apply to about 16 schools last year.


You just contact them, explain your case, and they'll waive it.


Actually I did take CHM139 + CHM220 and I am so glad alot of schools(16schools are alot) waive the situation.

I was angry I had to pay additional money to take a course in another school for just a half a credit.


i dont think schools care when/where you complete the prereqs, just as long as they are done before you start med school.


you should check with the schools you're interested in to see if the courses you decide to do will be accepted as fulfilling the requirements.


hmmm I guess just asking all the schools will probably the most safest way then...


Thanx people~

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