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financial assistance


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nope, no osap as far as i know. i dont think osap applies for programs outside of ontario/canada. bank loans are the way to go or help from your parents. this topic has been discussed many times in the past. i suggest you look through older threads or use the search function.

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Actually, you are eligible for student loans from OSAP, but only from the "federal" portion (which translates into a paltry $8.5k/year). You should verify directly with the OSAP student loans office though (something I have yet to do)


Students attending an out-of-province postsecondary institution only: Student Support Branch, Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities. This office can be reached at:

Student Support Branch

Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities

PO Box 4500

189 Red River Road, 4th Floor

Thunder Bay, ON P7B 6G9

Telephone:(807) 343-7260

Telephone Device for the Deaf (TDD/TY): 1-800-465-3958

Fax: (807) 343-7278

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does out-of-province include the US?...i didnt think it did...


I was skeptical as well, but I have a friend studying in the Caribbean who was able to obtain OSAP (again, maxed out at around $8.5k/yr). Moreover, having perused through the OSAP website, performing a quick school search for your favourite not-in-Canada institution (I used Dartmouth) will show that it is approved for the "Canada portion of the Canada-Ontario Integrated Student Loan".


Anyways, it's best to call OSAP directly to find out.

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