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advice for mcat preparation


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hi guys,


i'm so glad i found this forum!


i would love some advice about writing the MCAT. From reading the other threads, it seems like people are trying to upgrade scores of 30+ but right now, i'm just trying to even make it to the 30 mark.


i wrote my mcats a few years ago in alberta where i was studying. I ended up transferring to toronto that same summer so i didn't end up with a lot of time to study in between packing/shipping and work. I ended up with a 7/7/7 N.


Last summer, I tried taking the Kaplan course and got the same score for my diagnostic. I thought that I would definitely move up from there but the day before my test date, I just didn't feel ready and when I tried a practice Kaplan test, I got 22. I decided to not write the test in the end.


The funny thing is that I'm always consistent in all the sections; but my score just isn't moving up!


Has anyone experienced the same thing? Does anyone have any advice?


I want to write it again this summer but since it's my second time, I want to make sure I don't screw it up. I've read the comments that others have posted about taking time off to study during the summer but I really dont' have that option as I need to work to pay off tuition.

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Have you tried breaking down your scores to see areas of weakness in your study? Rather than dealing with all the content simultaneously, you would be able to focus your efforts where it needs to be. This turns one giant project into a bunch of tiny ones, and I found it much more manageable time-wise.

Does the school you want to attend have high minimums for MCAT? If your other stats are strong and the MCAT is at least enough to get you an interview, then you may not need a 30+ (it would help, however).


Best of Luck

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thanks for the advice!


i have noticed that there are some physical sci sections that i am particularly weak on. o-chem is definitely a weaker section that drags my score down in the bio section.


my stats aren't great (gpa < 3.6) which is why i need to do well on the mcat. i would love to stay in TO for med school but most of them need a good 10/10/10 (or more now with queens and western).


the problem for me is finding time to sit down and just practice the material. i have my regular classes during the day where i'm trying to boost my gpa and then once summer hits, i'm exhausted when i come home from work.


any advice?

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I was just where you were last summer, chris! I worked a lab job 9-5 and then had two big summer EC commitments. That's why I decided to do Princeton Review: I had 2.5 hours per day that I would be studying, no matter what, even if I was relearning things I already knew. My score from the beginning of the summer to the end improved 11 points, and 5 letters.


It was worth it for me, although the most stressful and tiring summer of my life!

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Princeton Review for me..

I'm a little bit of an oddball as I never took chem, physics, or o-chem in university so I relied on self-teach and the TPR class.


Went from a 17 to a 31R (August 06) and actually had a 33 on AAMC 6 in the process so I would recommend their services.


The shame is I got an 11,11,9 (BS) and that's a 9 in bio sci. not Bull Sh*t haha

So I am taking them again this summer as Western and Queens are my best shots.... great 2 year G.P.A after this year.... weak weak cPGA haha


So this summer I'll be doing TPR again, I use audio osmosis to supplement some stuff and to be able to study when I usually can't and this time around I'm adding the EK1001 Bio series to hopefully give me more bio practice and get that elusive 11 western is asking for...


the Long and short of it... with time and effort there is tonnes of room for improvement.... best of luck

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